[meteorite-list] Re: Franconia Area Meteorite Photos, Article

From: Notkin <geoking_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed Jul 28 15:51:55 2004
Message-ID: <v04220811bd2db248c760_at_[]>

Rob posted:

> This is sounding more and more like a match to Dutch Flat. Dr. Wasson
> noted the close similarity of Dutch Flat to Sikhote-Alin (as well as
> Ainsworth). All three are low-Ir, IIAB irons.

Dear Rob and List:

How very interesting! Please take a look at the two photos at the
bottom of this page, and you'll be able to see the similarities for
yourself, as I took a few close-ups of the small iron:


This iron seemed so very different from the other iron fragments
found at Franconia, that Jim and I felt it might well be a separate
fall. We took it up to show Dr. Huss and Dr. Moore at ASU, as Ruben
wanted them to take a look at it. It's such a cute little thing, I
couldn't bear to cut it for classification. But, it would be
interesting if we could compare this piece to a Dutch Flat iron by
eye at least.

> I'll be returning to Franconia this fall when
> temperatures cool off a bit.

Good hunting, and I'm sure you'll keep us posted if/when you find
one. It's probably pretty toasty up there right about now (it was
pretty brutal already in May), so waiting 'til the fall sounds like a
fine idea.


Geoff N.
Received on Wed 28 Jul 2004 03:51:33 PM PDT

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