[meteorite-list] Where Were You When It Happened 35 Years Ago?

From: S. Culver <dove_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat Jul 24 20:10:29 2004
Message-ID: <>

Hi All,
35 years ago I was 15 and was watching at the next door neighbors house
where her grandson happened to be visiting from out of town. Her grandson
and I shared an interest in stamp collection and were trading postage stamps.
Later the U.S. Post Office released a commemorative postage stamp of the
event and my friends mother sent me a first day issue of that stamp as a gift.

Now here is a question for the list, it has been my understanding that the
ink used to print those stamps contained real moon dust from the first
moon rocks that were cut. Can anyone tell me if this is true or not?

Steve Culver
Prescott, AZ.
Received on Sat 24 Jul 2004 07:42:18 PM PDT

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