[meteorite-list] NWA 306

From: bernd.pauli_at_paulinet.de <bernd.pauli_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat Jul 24 20:08:55 2004
Message-ID: <DIIE.0000003700002522_at_paulinet.de>

Hello Dean and List,

A few days ago I got a very nice NWA 306 thin section from Dean.
I am also glad that I was able to purchase a 10.2-gram NWA 306
endcut from him - it is an extremely beautiful endcut with very fresh,
black fusion crust and an orange-colored matrix.

According to the Met.Bull. 86, 2002, it should be an L4, S2; W2 - but
the thin section looks more like an L5 (and this is what Dean actually
offered it as).

Does anyone out there have any NWA 306 material and/or thin sections?
Could you /would you consider it an L4 or an L5. Also, the very fresh, black
fusion crust of my 10.2-gram specimen looks anything but not W2. I would
lean toward W1 or W0-1. Any opinions, any comments?


Received on Sat 24 Jul 2004 05:52:44 PM PDT

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