[meteorite-list] Where Were You When It Happened 35 Years Ago.?

From: Thomas Randall - KB2SMS <tommy2004_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Wed Jul 21 06:37:32 2004
Message-ID: <1090406200.4376.5.camel_at_linux.site>

  I was 11 and absolutely glued to the TV. My mom let me stay up to
watch it and stay home from school the next day. I remember it like it
was yesterday, I was blown away by it because rockets and spaceflight
was (and still is) facinating. The whole thing STILL blows my mind to
this day. Oh how I wish I saw a Saturn V liftoff in person....

Received on Wed 21 Jul 2004 06:36:41 AM PDT

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