[meteorite-list] Repost: Steve Arnold (Chicago) List e-mail; April 4, 2004, Winslow Dr.

From: Becky and Kirk <bandk_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon Jul 19 21:46:55 2004
Message-ID: <40FC6DD8.6B9CF609_at_chorus.net>

Hi All,
        I think it depends where the pieces end up, and who had damage to their
property. I think this would point to who could put in a claim for
ownership. I don't think a ricochet or a bounce would count toward a
claim. Just my opinion of course:-) Anyone else..........
                        Best to all,

almitt wrote:
> MARK BOSTICK reposted:
> > Then it rose up to at least 6 feet really quick to hit the
> > house on winslow st and take out some of the guys aluminum siding....
> steve arnold, chicago
> Note (if anyone really cares) this was a plastic siding which broke on
> impact of the ricocheting meteorite. An interesting topic for discussing,
> does a meteorite belong to the property that it impacted on or where it
> bounced to?
> --AL
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Received on Mon 19 Jul 2004 08:56:56 PM PDT

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