[meteorite-list] Sale AD - new sale list

From: Christian Anger <christian.anger_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri Jul 16 03:51:40 2004
Message-ID: <20040716075138.5D76F8BFCC_at_six.pairlist.net>

Hi all,

I have a lot of meteorites for sale.
Among them are historical meteorites like Ensisheim and Weston,
NWA 817 Nakhlite, unique lunar Dho 489 and Gujba at very low prices as well
as new NWA's.

>From NWA 1965, NWA 2294, NWA 2295 and NWA 3068 are only those pieces on the
sale list available as I
keep the mainmasses and I don't want to cut any further slices.

So grab while they are available.

All info and pics are available at www.austromet.com/forsale072004.htm

best regards from Austria,


IMCA #2673
Christian Anger
Korngasse 6
2405 Bad Deutsch-Altenburg
email: christian.anger_at_aon.at
Received on Fri 16 Jul 2004 03:51:37 AM PDT

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