[meteorite-list] New member
From: bernd.pauli_at_paulinet.de <bernd.pauli_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sun Jul 4 08:45:51 2004 Message-ID: <DIIE.0000003F00002478_at_paulinet.de> > My name is Kirk, I live in Wisconsin. > I am a NEW member in the group. Hello Kirk and List, Hi Kirk and welcome to "our" List. > I would like to begin with by adding a nice piece of the Allende Meteorite > to my collection, I have heard a great deal about its beauty and colors. Well, Allende is a hallmark meteorite - a carbonaceous chondrite and a witnessed fall - this has its price ... about $ 7.00 per gram. Quite as nice and with equally stunning, colorful chondrules is Dean's NWA 2224. Here is his EBay link: http://stores.ebay.com/AMUNRE-COLLECTIBLES-AND-GEMSTONES_Meteorites_W0QQcolZ4QQdirZ1QQsclZallQQsotimedisplayZ2QQtZkm NWA 2224, a find from Northwest Africa, is also a CV3 like Allende but a lot cheaper - about $4.50 and obtainable from Dean with the "Buy It Now" option on EBay. > a piece of NWA869 or something similar ... Here it is again Dean Bessey (seller ID: amunre) who has some stunning pieces on EBay right now, for example #B447 or #B450. These two are *cheap* and have a very busy matrix! If you prefer an affordable, highly polished slice, then our list member Maria Haas may be able to offer you something very nice. > a piece of the Imilac Meteorite for the Stony-Iron specimen. Small Imilac individuals (although without olivines) can be purchased from several meteorite dealers, most of them also members of this list: a) Eric Twelker: http://www.meteoritemarket.com/IC.htm b) Eric Olson: http://www.star-bits.com/imilac.htm c) Rodrigo Martinez: http://www.meteorites.cl/b-venta/sale-total.htm etc., etc. Imilac slices with beautiful olivines are a bit more difficult and more expensive to come by. If you are after an affordable slice with olivines, then Brahin may be a much cheaper alternative. Ivan Koutirev offers several on EBay (seller ID: finmet): http://cgi6.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewSellersOtherItems&userid=finmet&sort=3&page=1&rows=25&since=-1&showpics=1&stab=0 > I would also like an example perhaps of a non-Henbury Iron type "finmet" has several Sikhote-Alin irons that may appeal to your taste and to your purse, and, there are several, very nice Canyon Diablo and Odessa meteorites out there at tempting prices. Gold Basin meteorites may also be of interest to you as they are quite affordable with some very interesting features: - price / - terrestrial age / - classificational criteria / - strewn field data Best wishes from Germany, Bernd Received on Sun 04 Jul 2004 08:45:50 AM PDT |
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