[meteorite-list] International Science Symposium on Sample Returns from Solar System Minor Bodies - The 1st HAYABUSA Symposium

From: Ron Baalke <baalke_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Fri Jul 2 12:10:00 2004
Message-ID: <200407021609.JAA17931_at_zagami.jpl.nasa.gov>


International Science Symposium on Sample Returns from Solar System Minor Bodies

"The 1st HAYABUSA Symposium"

Characterization of Asteroid Itokawa, Its Sample Analyses and
Related Topics

October 20-22, 2004
ISAS/JAXA, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, JAPAN



Symposium Chair:
  A. Fujiwara (institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan
Aerospace Exploration Agency) (The Graduate University for Advanced
Studies (Sokendai))

Organizing Committee:
  E. Asphaug (UC Santa Cruz, U.S.A), R. Binzel (MIT, U.S.A), M.
DiMartino (Torino Obs., Italy), P. Michel (Obs. de la Cote d' Azur,
France), R. Taylor (ANU, Australia), D. Yeomans (JPL, U.S.A), M.
Zolensky (NASA/JSC)
  K. Hirata (Sokendai), T. Yukawa (Sokendai), H, Yano (ISAS/JAXA,
Sokendai), M. Abe (ISAS/JAXA, Sokendai), M. Yoshikawa (ISAS/JAXA,
Sokendai), J. Watanabe (NAOJ/NINS, Sokendai), T. Fuse (NAOJ/NINS,
Sokendai), K. Misawa (NIPR/ROIS, Sokendai), and H. Kojima
(NIPR/ROIS, Sokendai)

Scope and Purpose:
  Asteroids are key objects to understand the origin and evolution
of the solar system and have long been studied from two different
research fields; ground-based astronomical observation and meteorite
analysis. The former provides various kinds of remote sensing data
of asteroids while the latter provides the detailed data on the
material properties of the asteroids. However the interrelationship
between the knowledge from both research fields has not been well
established. The HAYABUSA (MUSES-C) spacecraft launched in 2003 is
the world's first asteroid sample return mission to bridge the
knowledge from both fields. In the summer of 2005, the spacecraft
will arrive at (25143) Itokawa, a S-type Apollo asteroid whose size
is about 300 m x 500 m. It will take remote sensing data, collect
surface samples for return to the earth in the summer of 2007.

  In this symposium, prior to the spacecraft's arrival at the
asteroid, we intend to deepen the scientific background and make
preperation to get the maximum output from the HAYABUSA mission. We
will characterize the properties of Itokawa based on all available
existing knowledge from observations, meteoritic studies, laboratory
experiments, and theoretical works. We will discuss how to proceed
in each research field and how to make their use of future minor
planet sample return missions in addition to HAYABUSA. This
symposium is the first in a series of forthcoming HAYABUSA
symposiums planning to be held after the asteroid departure and
initial sample analyses.

Meeting Format:
  The format of this meeting will be a series of oral presentations
in three days. If there is enough interest, time will be set aside
for poster presentations.
  In support of these presentations, we are soliciting abstracts
that include the following topics as example (listed in no
particular order);

* Properties of near-earth asteroids
* Origin and evolution of near-earth asteroids
* Observational results of (24513) Itokawa
* Shape model of Itokawa
* Expected surface properties of Itokawa
* Dynamical properties of Itokawa
* Evolution of Itokawa and its associated objects
* Regolith processes based on experiments, observation, and modeling
* Spectroscopic relationship between Itokawa observation and
  meteoritic samples
* Scientific questions to be answered by Itokawa samples
  returned by HAYABUSA
* Organic matter and chemical evolution on near-earth asteroids
* Space quarantine and curation work of returned samples
* Questions raised and lessons learned by recent asteroid and
  comet missions
* Synergy with other sample return missions
* Future prospects and proposals for minor body missions

Meeting Location and Schedule:
  The symposium will take place at the Sagamihara Campus of the
Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS), Japan Aerospace
Exploration Agency (JAXA), located at the 30-km south west suburb of
the central Tokyo, in the Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan on October
20-22, 2004.
  For planning purposes, please complete and return the attached
"Indication of Interest" form by July 15, 2004, if you are
interested in attending the symposium (or you can also fill out the
electronic version of this form that is available on the meeting web
site. One-day field excursion to Hakone is being planned on October
23, Saturday. Hakone is located at 50-km west of ISAS and is a
well-known resort area with many volcanoes, lakes, hot springs and
fine view of Mt. Fuji. Detailed information will be posted on the
symposium web site shortly.

Financial Support:
  Financial support is being planned for young scientists and
students. Details will be announced on the symposium web site shortly.

Proceedings Publication:
  Peer reviewed proceedings is planned for rapid publication.
Negotiation to world-class publishers is now in progress. Please
bring the manuscripts to the symposiums. Format details will be
explained in the second circular.

Important Dates:
July 15, 2004 Deadline for returning Indication of Interest form
August 1, 2004 The second announcement made available on the web site
August 15, 2004 Deadline for financial support application
September 1, 2004 Deadline for electronic registration, hotel
reservation and abstract submission
September 20, 2004 Final announcement made available on the web site
including the presentation timetable
October 20-22, 2004 Symposium at ISAS and proceedings manuscripts
October 23, 2004 One-day excursion to Hakone (optical) Public
lecture at the National Museum of Science and Technology at Tokyo
(selected speakers only)
December 20, 2004 Final editorial submission to publishers
Spring, 2005 Publish the Symposium Proceedings

  Dr. Hajime Yano
  Department of Planetary Science, ISAS/JAXA,
  3-1-1 Yoshinodai, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, 229-8510 JAPAN
  E-mai: yano.hajime_at_jaxa.jp <mailto:yano.hajime@jaxa.jp>
  Phone: +81-42-759-8197
  Fax: +81-42-759-8457
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Received on Fri 02 Jul 2004 12:09:55 PM PDT

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