[meteorite-list] A piece of Ensisheim

From: Impactika_at_aol.com <Impactika_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Jul 1 22:08:17 2004
Message-ID: <143.2cf13ff6.2e161d85_at_aol.com>

In a message dated 7/1/2004 5:39:07 PM Mountain Standard Time,
bernd.pauli_at_paulinet.de writes:
Of course, Anne's "smiley" clearly indicates (my interpretation!) that she did
not seriously consider chopping off anything from the remaining Ensisheim
mass of 53.831 kg.

You are absolutely right Bernd, I was being facetious.
And I am glad to see that Zelimir, being a good Confrere, immediately came to
the defense of the Meteorite, ;-)

You could ask Alain Carion if he has any left. I am very sorry, but I don't.
All I have is the Woodcut.

Anne M. Black
IMCA #2356, www.IMCA.cc
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