[meteorite-list] Original "Meteorite Kills(Fill in Blank)" StoryAppears in WWW

From: Sterling K. Webb <kelly_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Jul 1 01:04:27 2004
Message-ID: <40E39B95.18A9D446_at_bhil.com>

Hi, All,

    The people who publish WWW are like all the other checkout tabloid
publishers, cynical Brits who rightly believe that there is no limit to
how rich you can become by underestimating the intelligence of the
average American. The "really strange people" are the ones who READ the
Weekly World News!

Sterling Webb

Paul H wrote:

> While waiting in the local cehckup line, I noticed that
> this week's Weekly World News (WWW) has one of the
> latest versions of the "Falling Meteorite kills (fill
> in the blank) story. The headline reads, "Meteorite
> Flattens Pope". In the tradition of the Weekly World
> News, it is quite a shaggy dog story complete with fake
> photographs. The people, who publish the WWW must be
> really strange people.
> Yours,
> Paul
Received on Thu 01 Jul 2004 01:05:25 AM PDT

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