[meteorite-list] Ebay misspellings
From: Gtceb_at_aol.com <Gtceb_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:32:10 2004 Message-ID: <4f.39b2d5cc.2d494ccd_at_aol.com> --part1_4f.39b2d5cc.2d494ccd_boundary Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="4f.39b2d5cc_alt_bound" --4f.39b2d5cc_alt_bound Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Language: en Greetings list members that have an interest in Ebay, I send this article along FYI. Spell check and copies of meteorite referenc= e=20 books and good pics generally complete the deal........ Terry StarMeteorites Updated: 08:06 AM EST In Online Auctions, Misspelling in Ads Often Spells Cash By DIANA JEAN SCHEMO, The New York Times knifes, Art Deko vases, camras, comferters and saphires. They do get bidders, but rarely very many. Often the buyers are those who=20 troll for spelling slip-ups, buying items on the cheap and selling them all=20= over=20 again on eBay, but with the right spelling and for the right price. John H.=20 Green, a jeweler in Central Florida, is one of them. Mr. Green once bought a box of gers for $2. They were gears for pocket=20 watches, which he cleaned up and put back on the auction block with the righ= t=20 spelling. They sold for $200. "I've bought and sold stuff on eBay and Yahoo=20= that I=20 bought for next to nothing" because of poor spelling or vague descriptions,=20= he=20 said. David Scroggins, who lives in Milwaukee, also searches for misspellings. His= =20 company provides entertainment for weddings and corporate events, and=20 microphone systems for shows at Wisconsin's casinos. He has bought Hubbell e= lectrical=20 cords for a 10th of their usual cost by searching for Hubell and Hubbel. And= =20 he now operates his entire business by laptop computers, having bought three= =20 Compaqs for a pittance simply by asking for Compacts instead. No one knows how much misspelling is out there in eBay land, where more than= =20 $23 billion worth of goods was sold last year. The company does flag common=20 misspellings, but wrong spellings can also turn up similar misspellings, so=20= that=20 buyers and sellers frequently read past the Web site's slightly bashful line= =20 asking, by any chance, "Did you mean . . . chandelier?" One unofficial survey =E2=80=94 an hour's search for creative spellings =E2= =80=94 turned up=20 dozens of items, including bycicles, telefones, dimonds, mother of perl,=20 cuttlery, bedroom suits and loads of antiks. Contacted, the sellers were often surprised to hear that they had misspelled= =20 their wares. Ms. Marshall, who lives in Dallas, said she knew she was on shaky ground whe= n=20 she set out to spell chandelier. But instead of flipping through a=20 dictionary, she did an Internet search for chandaleer and came up with 85 or= so listings. She never guessed, she said, that results like that meant she was groping in= =20 the spelling wilderness. Chandelier, spelled right, turns up 715,000 times. Some experts say there is no evidence that people are spelling worse than=20 they ever did. But with the growth of e-mail correspondence and instant=20 messaging, language has grown more informal. And much as calculators did for= =20 arithmetic, spell checkers have made good spelling seem to quite a number of= people like=20 an obsolete virtue. Not that spell checkers are used by nearly everyone. Indeed, experts say the= =20 Internet =E2=80=94 with its discussion boards, blogs and self-published arti= cles =E2=80=94 is=20 a treasure trove of bad spelling. "Before the Internet came along, poor spelling by the public was by and larg= e=20 not exposed," said Paige P. Kimble, the director of the National Spelling=20 Bee. Now, though, "we are becoming acutely aware of what a challenge spellin= g is=20 for us." Sandra Wilde, author of the 1992 book "You Kan Red This!: Spelling and=20 Punctuation for Whole Language Classrooms K-6," said language served a varie= ty of=20 purposes, so that in some settings it might make sense to skip punctuation o= r to=20 speak in slang. She likens instant messaging, for example, to notes passed a= t=20 the back of the classroom when the teacher's back is turned: there is no=20 premium on proper spelling. "On something like eBay though," she said, "it matters.' Henry Gomez, vice president for corporate communications at eBay, said the=20 company did not generally hear from sellers who misspell, and had no way of=20 gauging how many sales might have involved misspelled listings. But some sellers clearly bear in mind the potential for disaster when=20 preparing their advertisements. Warren Lieu of Houston, who was selling hunt= ing and=20 fishing knives on eBay recently, covered all the bases: his listing advertis= ed=20 every sort of alphabetic butchery, including knifes and knive. Mr. Lieu, a computer programmer, keeps a list of common misspellings,=20 including labtop for laptop and Cusinart for Cuisinart. His strategy of listing multiple spellings, he said, is based on his=20 experience as a buyer. "I'm a bad speller myself," he said. So his mistakes=20= in=20 searching for items led him to realize that he could buy up bargains. "I'd go ahead and deliberately misspell it when I searched for items," he=20 said. Jim Griffith, whose official title at eBay is dean of eBay education, teache= s=20 40 to 50 seminars a year around the country. Although the auction house flag= s=20 common misspellings online, Mr. Griffith said, the most common question he=20 gets is, "When will eBay get a spell checker?" His answer? "You go to a stor= e=20 called a bookstore, and you buy something called a dictionary." Even some who have made money off misspellings have felt their bite. When Mr. Scroggins, who has been helping his parents sell off the contents o= f=20 his father's jewelry and watch repair store, recently listed "a huge lot of=20 earings," it attracted only three bids, and sold for just $5.50. And then there was the time he sold the family's flatwear. --4f.39b2d5cc_alt_bound Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Language: en <HTML><FONT FACE=3Darial,helvetica><HTML xmlns:st1 =3D "urn:schemas-microsof= t-com:office:smarttags" xmlns:o =3D "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office= "><HEAD><META charset=3DUTF-8 http-equiv=3DContent-Type content=3D"text/html= ; charset=3Dutf-8"></HEAD> <BODY style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 10pt; FONT-FAMILY: Arial; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fffff= f"> <DIV>Greetings list members that have an interest in Ebay,</DIV> <DIV>I send this article along FYI. Spell check and copies of met= eorite reference books and good pics generally complete the deal........</DI= V> <DIV>Terry</DIV> <DIV>StarMeteorites</DIV> <DIV> </DIV> <DIV> <P class=3DMsoNormal style=3D"MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt"><SPAN style=3D"FONT-SIZE:= 7pt; COLOR: #656263; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana">Updated: </SPAN><st1:time Hour= =3D"8" Minute=3D"6"><SPAN style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 7pt; COLOR: #656263; FONT-FAMI= LY: Verdana">08:06 AM EST</SPAN></st1:time><SPAN style=3D"FONT-SIZE: 7pt; CO= LOR: #656263; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana"><o:p></o:p></SPAN></P> <P class=3DMsoNormal style=3D"MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt"><B><SPAN style=3D"FONT-SI= ZE: 13.5pt; COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana">In Online Auctions, Misspell= ing in Ads Often Spells Cash<o:p></o:p></SPAN></B></P> <P class=3DMsoNormal style=3D"MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt"><SPAN style=3D"FONT-SIZE:= 8.5pt; COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana"><IMG SRC=3D"cid:X.MA1.1075311309= _at_aol.com" height=3D21 width=3D133 border=3D0 v:shapes=3D"_x0000_i1025" ID= =3D"MA1.1075311309" DATASIZE=3D"733"><o:p></o:p></SPAN></P> <P class=3DMsoNormal style=3D"MARGIN: 0in 0in 0pt"><SPAN style=3D"FONT-SIZE:= 7.5pt; COLOR: #656263; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana">By DIANA JEAN SCHEMO, The New=20= York Times<o:p></o:p></SPAN></P> <P class=3Darticletext style=3D"MARGIN: auto 0in"><SPAN style=3D"COLOR: blac= k; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana"><!--req:160x600_1.aolnews.aolnews.news.article.24.2= 0040128080509990001.broadband ad:160x600_1.aolnews.aolnews.news.article.24--= >knifes, Art Deko vases, camras, comferters and saphires.<o:p></o:p></SPAN><= /P> <P class=3Darticletext style=3D"MARGIN: auto 0in"><SPAN style=3D"COLOR: blac= k; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana">They do get bidders, but rarely very many. Often th= e buyers are those who troll for spelling slip-ups, buying items on the chea= p and selling them all over again on eBay, but with the right spelling and f= or the right price. John H. Green, a jeweler in </SPAN><st1:place><SPAN styl= e=3D"COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana">Central Florida</SPAN></st1:place><= SPAN style=3D"COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana">, is one of them.<o:p></o:= p></SPAN></P> <P class=3Darticletext style=3D"MARGIN: auto 0in"><SPAN style=3D"COLOR: blac= k; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana">Mr. Green once bought a box of gers for $2. They we= re gears for pocket watches, which he cleaned up and put back on the auction= block with the right spelling. They sold for $200. "I've bought and sold st= uff on eBay and Yahoo that I bought for next to nothing" because of poor spe= lling or vague descriptions, he said.<o:p></o:p></SPAN></P> <P class=3Darticletext style=3D"MARGIN: auto 0in"><SPAN style=3D"COLOR: blac= k; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana">David Scroggins, who lives in </SPAN><st1:City><st1= :place><SPAN style=3D"COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana">Milwaukee</SPAN></= st1:place></st1:City><SPAN style=3D"COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana">, al= so searches for misspellings. His company provides entertainment for wedding= s and corporate events, and microphone systems for shows at </SPAN><st1:Stat= e><st1:place><SPAN style=3D"COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana">Wisconsin</S= PAN></st1:place></st1:State><SPAN style=3D"COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: Verdan= a">'s casinos. He has bought Hubbell electrical cords for a 10th of their us= ual cost by searching for Hubell and Hubbel. And he now operates his entire=20= business by laptop computers, having bought three Compaqs for a pittance sim= ply by asking for Compacts instead.<o:p></o:p></SPAN></P> <P class=3Darticletext style=3D"MARGIN: auto 0in"><SPAN style=3D"COLOR: blac= k; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana">No one knows how much misspelling is out there in e= Bay land, where more than $23 billion worth of goods was sold last year. The= company does flag common misspellings, but wrong spellings can also turn up= similar misspellings, so that buyers and sellers frequently read past the W= eb site's slightly bashful line asking, by any chance, "Did you mean . . . c= handelier?"<o:p></o:p></SPAN></P> <P class=3Darticletext style=3D"MARGIN: auto 0in"><SPAN style=3D"COLOR: blac= k; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana">One unofficial survey =E2=80=94 an hour's search fo= r creative spellings =E2=80=94 turned up dozens of items, including bycicles= , telefones, dimonds, mother of perl, cuttlery, bedroom suits and loads of a= ntiks.<o:p></o:p></SPAN></P> <P class=3Darticletext style=3D"MARGIN: auto 0in"><SPAN style=3D"COLOR: blac= k; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana">Contacted, the sellers were often surprised to hear= that they had misspelled their wares.<o:p></o:p></SPAN></P> <P class=3Darticletext style=3D"MARGIN: auto 0in"><SPAN style=3D"COLOR: blac= k; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana">Ms. Marshall, who lives in </SPAN><st1:City><st1:pl= ace><SPAN style=3D"COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana">Dallas</SPAN></st1:pl= ace></st1:City><SPAN style=3D"COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana">, said she= knew she was on shaky ground when she set out to spell chandelier. But inst= ead of flipping through a dictionary, she did an Internet search for chandal= eer and came up with 85 or so listings.<o:p></o:p></SPAN></P> <P class=3Darticletext style=3D"MARGIN: auto 0in"><SPAN style=3D"COLOR: blac= k; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana">She never guessed, she said, that results like that= meant she was groping in the spelling wilderness. Chandelier, spelled right= , turns up 715,000 times.<o:p></o:p></SPAN></P> <P class=3Darticletext style=3D"MARGIN: auto 0in"><SPAN style=3D"COLOR: blac= k; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana">Some experts say there is no evidence that people a= re spelling worse than they ever did. But with the growth of e-mail correspo= ndence and instant messaging, language has grown more informal. And much as=20= calculators did for arithmetic, spell checkers have made good spelling seem=20= to quite a number of people like an obsolete virtue.<o:p></o:p></SPAN></P> <P class=3Darticletext style=3D"MARGIN: auto 0in"><SPAN style=3D"COLOR: blac= k; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana">Not that spell checkers are used by nearly everyone= . Indeed, experts say the Internet =E2=80=94 with its discussion boards, blo= gs and self-published articles =E2=80=94 is a treasure trove of bad spelling= .<o:p></o:p></SPAN></P> <P class=3Darticletext style=3D"MARGIN: auto 0in"><SPAN style=3D"COLOR: blac= k; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana">"Before the Internet came along, poor spelling by t= he public was by and large not exposed," said Paige P. Kimble, the director=20= of the National Spelling Bee. Now, though, "we are becoming acutely aware of= what a challenge spelling is for us."<o:p></o:p></SPAN></P> <P class=3Darticletext style=3D"MARGIN: auto 0in"><SPAN style=3D"COLOR: blac= k; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana">Sandra Wilde, author of the 1992 book "You Kan Red=20= This!: Spelling and Punctuation for Whole Language Classrooms K-6," said lan= guage served a variety of purposes, so that in some settings it might make s= ense to skip punctuation or to speak in slang. She likens instant messaging,= for example, to notes passed at the back of the classroom when the teacher'= s back is turned: there is no premium on proper spelling.<o:p></o:p></SPAN><= /P> <P class=3Darticletext style=3D"MARGIN: auto 0in"><SPAN style=3D"COLOR: blac= k; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana">"On something like eBay though," she said, "it matt= ers.'<o:p></o:p></SPAN></P> <P class=3Darticletext style=3D"MARGIN: auto 0in"><SPAN style=3D"COLOR: blac= k; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana">Henry Gomez, vice president for corporate communica= tions at eBay, said the company did not generally hear from sellers who miss= pell, and had no way of gauging how many sales might have involved misspelle= d listings.<o:p></o:p></SPAN></P> <P class=3Darticletext style=3D"MARGIN: auto 0in"><SPAN style=3D"COLOR: blac= k; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana">But some sellers clearly bear in mind the potential= for disaster when preparing their advertisements. Warren Lieu of </SPAN><st= 1:City><st1:place><SPAN style=3D"COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana">Houston= </SPAN></st1:place></st1:City><SPAN style=3D"COLOR: black; FONT-FAMILY: Verd= ana">, who was selling hunting and fishing knives on eBay recently, covered=20= all the bases: his listing advertised every sort of alphabetic butchery, inc= luding knifes and knive.<o:p></o:p></SPAN></P> <P class=3Darticletext style=3D"MARGIN: auto 0in"><SPAN style=3D"COLOR: blac= k; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana">Mr. Lieu, a computer programmer, keeps a list of co= mmon misspellings, including labtop for laptop and Cusinart for Cuisinart.<o= :p></o:p></SPAN></P> <P class=3Darticletext style=3D"MARGIN: auto 0in"><SPAN style=3D"COLOR: blac= k; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana">His strategy of listing multiple spellings, he said= , is based on his experience as a buyer. "I'm a bad speller myself," he said= . So his mistakes in searching for items led him to realize that he could bu= y up bargains.<o:p></o:p></SPAN></P> <P class=3Darticletext style=3D"MARGIN: auto 0in"><SPAN style=3D"COLOR: blac= k; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana">"I'd go ahead and deliberately misspell it when I s= earched for items," he said.<o:p></o:p></SPAN></P> <P class=3Darticletext style=3D"MARGIN: auto 0in"><SPAN style=3D"COLOR: blac= k; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana">Jim Griffith, whose official title at eBay is dean=20= of eBay education, teaches 40 to 50 seminars a year around the country. Alth= ough the auction house flags common misspellings online, Mr. Griffith said,=20= the most common question he gets is, "When will eBay get a spell checker?" H= is answer? "<U><STRONG>You go to a store called a bookstore, and you buy som= ething called a dictionary."<o:p></o:p></STRONG></U></SPAN></P> <P class=3Darticletext style=3D"MARGIN: auto 0in"><SPAN style=3D"COLOR: blac= k; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana">Even some who have made money off misspellings have= felt their bite.<o:p></o:p></SPAN></P> <P class=3Darticletext style=3D"MARGIN: auto 0in"><SPAN style=3D"COLOR: blac= k; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana">When Mr. Scroggins, who has been helping his parent= s sell off the contents of his father's jewelry and watch repair store, rece= ntly listed "a huge lot of earings," it attracted only three bids, and sold=20= for just $5.50.<o:p></o:p></SPAN></P> <P class=3Darticletext style=3D"MARGIN: auto 0in"><SPAN style=3D"COLOR: blac= k; FONT-FAMILY: Verdana">And then there was the time he sold the family's fl= atwear.<o:p></o:p></SPAN></P></DIV> <DIV> </DIV></BODY></HTML> --4f.39b2d5cc_alt_bound-- --part1_4f.39b2d5cc.2d494ccd_boundary Content-ID: <X.MA1.1075311309_at_aol.com> Content-Type: image/gif; name="clip_image001.gif" Content-Disposition: inline Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 R0lGODlhhQAVALMPAMbGxiQkJLe3t3Z2dpaWlmRkZIaGhqSkpFdXV0NDQ9TU1Pj4+Ovr6+Hh 4QAAAP///yH5BAEAAA8ALAAAAACFABUAAAT/8MlJq7046827/2AojmRpnmiqrmzrvnAsz3Rt 3yZzHMoCAA8GI7NQKCSLhpLjIzCSvY2iUfEdAELBAidiBBxgRCIgSBwxAjBggQiYOYCv4RAI DLYYQuBQMYAdCQUOBmdcHgIBBgVfDmIOhRYAggkCbQYTAJAUDAQOBQKTeBcIDnwTC4EDCWBu AZqGGQ0HAwYEtgyCDaIPVBMKcgwCSL8GW0dFD8aeCgCeEkLPC0mCfErSAgQFBAYDAAIDSM/J FAtDyQ2vMGxjrkeCqgcMCotn8wMOAT8LBwljDraJBBEod++TnwL7+v1IIKafAwEG7GyhQ2qA gAbZvCE4UIASggFU/8og8DEmgY0DD+uIYXDv3p46jSQImgdIEsx7CPwYICXsnid+ngYEmEQH kKJGH4F4KYCyDref+Eh1fEjni9COBWwIirPnwIKZYzoV2CjhgAF0csIO+IWgEwChQwys+lSQ nhsGbYb4DGBOgac0ORukATdmMEqIDgZo88TQBs4ExRQcaKMgLCAqeH480DmGDwNPboViRlkA gFi7CfAG2OLS2YNfiRAw2zboQeFBKAH4ufN1qo1mieXZIcUvQKcEAOItcGnAi6p/2ADdy8ZX QjPZnRCQioigwZgeFVcVQ4UPyyKx3o178kO7m6qOAW74+ZOvYp1vnoY0s/qAgMX7CoSXWIov CxCQwAAGDqLHMg1sh9cgcaT2GiNgEIDIHmNEtBhTq9AGiDA3gBJYEFgEgEAyWkjwiwBYBHGE EUgolaIEBgq2SD68zLhAisFsscYEDez0iYpANACEAvptwQAQbwlgDhe79NfdBZqJMN8fnkT5 gZYecAkLDA26geBQXn5pJgvlZPbkmWy26WYJEQAAOw== --part1_4f.39b2d5cc.2d494ccd_boundary-- Received on Wed 28 Jan 2004 12:35:09 PM PST |
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