[meteorite-list] Opportunity Closes in on the Red Planet
From: Ron Baalke <baalke_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:32:08 2004 Message-ID: <200401232003.MAA08243_at_zagami.jpl.nasa.gov> http://space.com/missionlaunches/opportunity_update_040123.html Opportunity Closes in on the Red Planet By Leonard David space.com 23 January 2004 PASADENA, Calif. -- Early Jan. 25, at about 12:05 a.m. EST, NASA's second Mars Exploration Rover -- Opportunity -- will arrive on Mars. It's headed for a region known as Meridiani Planum, halfway around the planet from where its sister robot, the Spirit rover now resides. What Opportunity might find at that landing site could be the geological mother lode at Mars that scientists seek -- a type of mineral that cries out: "Water was here!" As was the case three weeks ago, engineers are again faced with risk, worry, and high anxiety in getting another robot successfully down on Mars. One thing for sure: It doesn't get any easier the second time around. Good dose of edginess "I am almost as nervous as I was for Spirit," admitted Rob Manning, Mars Exploration Rover (MER) Entry, Descent and Landing Lead at JPL. "Even though Meridiani is an easier landing site in some respects - less winds, less slopes, and the rocks aren't as bad. I'm going to be almost as nervous," he told SPACE.com . In reconstructing how Spirit made it down at Gusev Crater, Manning has reason to retain a good dose of edginess. "We had a wild day in landing Spirit," Manning said. An unexpectedly large wind gust played havoc with the spacecraft's approach and touchdown at Gusev. That burst of wind pushed Spirit's parachute and other landing gear in a horizontal direction toward a crater. An inertial measurement unit, computer software, special camera gear, and small rockets onboard Spirit worked in concert to counter what could have been a deadly drift into the walls of the crater -- "all within a handful of seconds," Manning noted. "I don't know if we would have been toast. On the other hand, it's an experiment I don't think I would want to perform," Manning added. Once cut free from its parachute, retro-rocket engines, and long bridle, the set of airbags with the Spirit rover tucked inside fell onto Mars from a height of about 31 feet (9.5 meters). The airbags bounced 28 times across the martian landscape before coming to a full stop. Glue gun and duct tape At the end of the day, Spirit's safe and sound landing comes down to one engineering rule of thumb: margin. Margin equates to elbow room. There is a delicate balance between margins and how close-to-the-edge engineers feel is tolerable. But then add in the vagaries of the Mars environment, well, those uncertainties can give you a bad day. "From what I see, we have a lot of margin. We are confident that we made the right design choices in our rover landing system to make it reliable," Manning said. "But you never know. If I could land a thousand of these things, then I could tell you. We're still in the infant stages of this stuff." Lessons learned from getting Spirit down and dirty on Mars are being applied to the landing of Opportunity. For example, Opportunity's parachute is to be deployed higher and five seconds earlier than planned over Meridiani Planum. Secondly, gas generators to inflate the airbag landing system have been tweaked to reduce their warm-up time during the plummet toward Mars' surface. Opportunity's landing system is good to go, Manning said. "Our mission is not to do engineering, although it's fun, exciting, and a lot of work. It doesn't matter if you took a glue gun and duct tape to get to Mars. As long as you get there safely - and we get good science for the mission - that's the most important thing," he explained. Colorful territory At Meridiani Planum, the Opportunity rover becomes a stranger in a strange land. "This site will truly be an alien landscape. It will not look like anywhere we have been before on Mars," said James Rice, a Mars Exploration Rover scientist from the Arizona State University in Tempe. Rice said he expects Opportunity to drop into colorful territory, perhaps a deeper, darker reddish brown with splashes of gray. "All that pesky bright dust that we are familiar with will be absent," Rice told SPACE.com . The chances of encountering fantastic layered sediments will be much higher in Meridiani than at Gusev Crater, he explained. These layers may be visible in small mesas and buttes. Moreover, the landscape appears to have been stripped by the wind. There will also be far fewer rocks than at Gusev, roughly half the rock abundance seen in the images returned by Spirit, Rice said. "We may also see dune forms and small impact craters depending on where we put down in the landing ellipse," Rice added. Gray hematite Opportunity's targeted landing area is an ellipse about 53 miles (85 kilometers) long and 6.8 miles (11 kilometers) wide. This zone is within a large region near the planet's arbitrarily designated prime meridian, or line of zero longitude. "Planum" means plains. So the name suits the territory. Meridiani Planum is one of the smoothest, flattest places on Mars. Meridiani Planum has been found to contain the detectable mineral signatures for coarse grained gray hematite - a type of iron oxide mineral. This type of hematite generally forms in water. On Earth, gray hematite usually -- but not always - forms in association with liquid water. Some environmental conditions that can produce gray hematite, such as a lake or hot springs, could be quite hospitable to life. Others, such as hot lava, would not. On course cruise Like its twin on the other side of Mars, Opportunity will use a rock abrasion tool and two spectrometers attached to the rover's arm to resolve what martian environment produced the hematite at Meridiani Planum. "I think we're going to see some very interesting terrain," said Steve Squyres, Principal Investigator for the MER program and a space scientist from Cornell University. Mission planners decided Thursday to skip an optional trajectory correction maneuver for Opportunity as it cruises toward Mars. There is still time to fine-tune the spacecraft's aim point within Meridiani Planum, although it appears such a final action item is not needed. Opportunity is right on course to land halfway around Mars from Spirit. "We expect everything to work nominally on Opportunity," said Charles Elachi, Director of JPL. "But still you have the risk of any entry, descent and landing - it's always risky." Editor's Note: Opportunity's landing is slated for 12:05 a.m. EST on Sunday, Jan. 25. That corresponds to 9:05 p.m. PST on Saturday, Jan. 24 in the mission control room at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif. Received on Fri 23 Jan 2004 03:03:34 PM PST |
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