[meteorite-list] Recent Meteorite Finds in Spain from Palencia Bolide

From: Robert Verish <bolidechaser_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:32:06 2004
Message-ID: <20040122205151.79905.qmail_at_web60309.mail.yahoo.com>


Meteorites rain mainly on the northern plain in Spain!

-- Bob V.

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[meteorite-list] Viva Espana - have a look!
Norbert Classen trifid_at_timewarp.de
Thu, 22 Jan 2004 19:01:43 +0100

Previous message: [meteorite-list] re: Fireball Seen
>From Germany, Belgium

Hi All,

I'm forwarding this link from the German meteorite
Obviously, the first real meteorite individuals from
the recent Spanish fall (January 4) have been
recovered - looks like the real McCoy:


Here's a Google translation of the original Spanish

MADRID.- The pertinent, Natural Museum of Sciences al
CSIC, has a security of the 99% that the siderolito
(mixture of metal and sílice) extraterrestrial found
by a journalist in the Mounts of Palencia is the first
sample related to the meteor sighted the past 4 of

The responsible one for the analysis, Javier Garcia
Guinea, professor of investigation of mineralogía of
the Museum, explained that, after the exam, carried
out Monday in the afternoon, has the security "al 99%"
that is a siderolito extraterrestrial "of very recent
fall" and related to the bólido that crossed the
peninsula at the beginning of this month.

"The author of the finding, according to Garci'a
Guinea, has been journalist Abel Tarilonte, who the 4
of January was of vacations in the north of the
province of Palencia.
There he was present at and he photographed the
passage of the meteor and after crossing several towns
of Montes of Palencia pasts 9 and 10 of January in
search of samples, "he located two fragments, of 42.03
grams and 21.76 grams, on a rural way of recent
compaction where they emphasized by his dark crust
of iron oxidation."

Thanks to Herbert Raab, Austria, for forwarding the
link to the German Met-list.

All the best, and happy hunting,


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