[meteorite-list] People have left the list because of personal attacks.

From: Ing. Christian ANGER <christian.anger_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:32:05 2004
Message-ID: <MBBBKMPOCMHBDKEKKFPBEEKKCFAA.christian.anger_at_aon.at>

Hi all,

there's a good alternative


a place without any hate tirades and diffamations.

check it out.

best wishes,


IMCA #2673

Ing. Christian ANGER
Korngasse 6
2405 Bad Deutsch-Altenburg

email : christian.anger_at_aon.at

-----Original Message-----
From: meteorite-list-admin_at_meteoritecentral.com
[mailto:meteorite-list-admin_at_meteoritecentral.com]On Behalf Of tett
Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2004 2:38 AM
To: meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com
Subject: [meteorite-list] People have left the list because of personal

All and no one in particular,

I have been in touch with Bernd and was very sad to learn that he left the
list because of the verbal abuse that continues to fly. People are using
the list to attack others and it is disgraceful.

I wonder how many other people have dropped out because of this behaviour?
How many newbies have been turned off of meteorites after seeing the crap

I have been lucky enough to have met Bernd and visited with him in Germany
this past summer. Bernd and Pauline openned their home to me and we had a
great time discussing meteroties and astronomy and art and so much more. I
have also been invited back and plan to visit summer 05. It is because of
this list that I got to know Bernd. Now he has left and many people will
not get the benefit of insightfull comments, extensive data base, and

I deeply enjoy meteorites and find that the list helps me keep in touch with
other enthusiasts and in touch with what is going on in the field.
Unfortunately, not as much as it used to.

If you have something to say to another person then do so privately. If you
attack someone opennly then you are simply trying to use the list to advance
your own agenda and to gang up on that person. Many have argued that "they
started it" and since they were opennly attacked then they should ahve the
right to reciprocate. Perhaps that is true but all it does is continue the
downward spiral. It is a bigger person who decides to respond in private
and not use the list to support their own position.

If personal attacks (REGARDLESS OF HOW JUSTIFIED THEY ARE) were sent
privately and kept off the list then people like Bernd would still be here.
Perhaps this list can return to what it was. A fantastic forum created by
Art to advance the science of meteorites and link enthusiasts around the
world. Maybe we could even get bernd back.

Sorry to have sermonized but I am just fed up.

Mike Tettenborn
Owen Sound, Ontario

Meteorite-list mailing list
Received on Wed 21 Jan 2004 01:25:35 AM PST

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