[meteorite-list] Images From Mars Rover Reveal Mysterious Lumps - Scientists Baffled By Sandpaper-Like Patches on Surface
From: Ron Baalke <baalke_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:32:03 2004 Message-ID: <200401180133.RAA05354_at_zagami.jpl.nasa.gov> http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2004/01/17/MARS.TMP Images from Mars rover reveal mysterious clumps Scientists baffled by sandpaper-like patches on surface David Perlman San Francisco Chronicle January 17, 2004 Pasadena -- Ecstatic scientists used the Mars rover's powerful camera Friday to take the first close-up images ever made of the Martian surface and immediately confronted a new mystery over what they saw. The images that Spirit sent down from its Martian parking spot, a few feet in front of its landing pad, was a flat patch of fine- and coarse-grained sand -- much of it stuck together in clumpy patches that scientists conceded they did not yet understand. The pictures, taken in stereoscopic clarity by Spirit's Microscopic Imager, appeared for all the world like a patch of coarse-grained sandpaper seen by any layman through a modest magnifying glass. But to Kenneth Herkenhoff, an astrogeologist with the U. S. Geological Survey and a member of Spirit's science team, the images might show some kind of electrostatic force operating on the fine-grained materials, or they could possibly indicate that the roughened clumps of sand were formed billions of years ago by salts that bound the grains together when the chemicals were wet. Countless other theories are being proposed by the mysterious cohesiveness of the sandy stuff, said Rob Sullivan of Cornell, another member of the science team. In coming days, Sullivan and his colleagues plan to spin each of the rover's six driving wheels separately in order to dig trenches in the sand, and then focus the Microscopic Imager on the soil a few inches beneath the surface. Steve Squyres, the lead scientist on the Spirit team, took one look at the images his colleagues are already puzzling over and exclaimed with his usual unrestrained excitement, "Hey, how about that Microscopic Imager! And just wait a sol or two -- you ain't seen nothing yet." Although it was morning at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, it was long after dark on Mars, where each Martian day is called a sol, and Spirit was asleep. But earlier -- shortly after midnight in California -- the sun was shining on Gusev Crater, the dust from last December's windstorm half-way across the planet was diminishing, and Mark Adler, Spirit's mission manager for the day was calling it "Lucky Sol 13" -- the 13th Martian day since Spirit landed on the planet Jan. 3. Everything on the spacecraft was working superbly, Adler said, and Eric Baumgartner, the engineer responsible for the functioning of Spirit's movable robotic arm, which carries the spacecraft's major tools, reported his team had tested the arm through every possible position throughout the night. The articulated arm passed every test. That arm, mounted on the front of the rover, can carry the Microscopic Imager to within a fraction an inch of any object before its dust swivels away and the lens almost grazes its target. About the size of a human arm, the robotic device has a shoulder, an elbow and a wrist that can swivel in any direction, to hold the spacecraft's two spectrometers and the RAT -- the Rock Abrasion Tool -- that will be used to grind into the surfaces of rocks and expose whatever lies inside. Mission Manager Adler told reporters that although Spirit would remain parked in its present spot for the next day or two -- "a couple of sols or so," as he put it -- the impatient scientists are eager for it to start traveling as long as it can rove to new and intriguing targets in complete safety. As of today it is only seven days until Spirit's twin rover, named Opportunity, reaches Mars and makes its dangerous effort to land on its target area, a flat plain called Meridiani Planum halfway around the planet from Gusev Crater. Rockier than the region Spirit is exploring, its center is a site called Hematite, so named because observations from orbit by the Mars Odyssey and Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft indicate that the gray iron oxide mineral that is often formed in water may be abundant there. Joy Crisp, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory project scientist, said the last days of Opportunity's flight trajectory appeared safely on course and that probably only one more course correction maneuver -- the fourth since Opportunity began its venture into space last July 7 -- would be needed before it lands on its target. Received on Sat 17 Jan 2004 08:33:45 PM PST |
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