[meteorite-list] Re: OT: MOON TRAVEL?
From: mark ford <markf_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:32:02 2004 Message-ID: <6CE3EEEFE92F4B4085B0E086B2941B31014432_at_s-southern01.s-southern.com> It's strange, I thought I would be excited about man going to Mars and back to the moon!, but actually (assuming politics allow in anycase) if this happens it will mean diverting all funding away from exciting projects like the Mars Exploration Rovers (where genuine science can happen at low cost). If this goes ahead, I fear the US will be pumping funds into a really deep dark hole In any case the physical constraints of radiation shielding mean that a man in a heavy space suit couldn't walk on the surface for more than a few hours without getting nuked. What's the point of that? Better still would be to build a mars orbiting space station where decent robots can be controlled in real-time and then bring up samples to analyse in orbiting science labs. Here's my idea: Stick a couple of boosters on the international spacestation, surround it with liquid water shielding and send it to orbit mars ! My 1.9p woth Mark Ford -------------------------------------------------------------------------= --- The information contained in this email may be commercially sensitive = and/or legally privileged. It is intended solely for the person(s) to whom it = is addressed. If you are not a named recipient, you are on notice of its = status. Please notify the sender immediately by reply e-mail and then delete = this message from your system. You must not disclose it to any other person, copy or distribute it or use it for any purpose.Received on Thu 15 Jan 2004 04:20:29 AM PST |
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