[meteorite-list] Spanish bolide
From: Pekka Savolainen <pekka.savolainen_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:31:59 2004 Message-ID: <3FFB8CCF.9010109_at_dlc.fi> http://babelfish.altavista.com/babelfish/urltrurl?lp=es_en&url=http://www.humanitas-international.org/newstran/newsdesk-spanish.htm "the ground shook under my feet due to the impact" [Todas las noticias de abc.es desde 1.996] RENEDO OF VALDERADUEY (LEON). BETHLEHEM MOLLEDA It is left neither sign, nor the smaller track of the fire ball that in afternoon of Sunday the thousand of Spaniards flying over peninsular skies sighted. And that that many witnesses warned the services of the emergency of which the luminous object had fallen to the ground, in particular, and most probable, in a bordering area between the provinces of Leon and Palencia. Nevertheless, the efforts of the Civil Guard to find yesterday in that zone some embers caused by a possible collision, or some type of fragment arrived from the space, has not obtained result some. Neither in Renedo de Valderaduey (Leon), nor in I keep (Palencia) nor in Almarza (Soria), where the testimonies assured that the collision had taken place, appeared rest some del cosmic phenomenon. In Renedo de Valderaduey, a small leonine locality as soon as a hundred of inhabitants, does not leave the astonishment. The calm is had lost since the past Sunday the crossfire ball over its heads. Passed the ten in the morning of yesterday Monday, a helicopter of XII the Zone of the Civil Guard of Leon flew over the zone to try to locate to the stone piece that, according to some witnesses, fell closely together of the town, to about three kilometers, in a denominated place Valdelascasas, to where several patrols of Meritorious as well as the tens of neighbors approached and peculiar that was not wanted to lose so strange phenomenon. The workings search were centered a radius of ten kilometers to the south of this locality, located near Palencia, and they followed one another during the day of yesterday, although to last hour sources of the Civil Guard they assured to ABC that did not have order to continue patrolling the zone, reason why gave by finalized the works the delay of new findings that made resume the search. Dry blows Ever since such phenomenon happened, in Renedo de Valderaduey it is not spoken of another thing. One of the protagonists of the event was a shepherd, Ricardo Valley, that assures that it saw fall "to the meteorite that". "I saw black fire and one behind humareda. After passing humareda, soon after, they stuck strong roars. They were five dry blows. The noise was similar to the one of a pump ", said the shepherd shortly after declaring before the Civil Guard. The supposed meteorite crossed this locality two minutes before it made an airplane, to which "did not take to him ahead nearly", it assured Valley. The facts happened towards the six of afternoon, when the town in the heat of took a good scare. From the possibility that operated the heating of the "Teleclub", where the young people meet, until an airplane who crashed, included the fan of hypotheses shuffled by the hundred of neighbors of this leonine locality. The cosmic phenomenon agreed with a small fire registered to the north of the town, to which several neighbors related to the meteorite, although the Civil Guard discarded that bond existed some. Apparently, one was one burns of strubbles that a neighbor had begun to do hours before the incident. Roar One of the details that have made think that the meteorite fell in some place between the provinces of Leon and Palencia is the strong roar caused by the fire ball, in that they agree most of the visual witnesses of the North zone of Palencia. One of them, Vicente Martín, who was hunting in the Palentina Mountain, assures to have seen "a sparkle of light very hard followed of an explosion similar to the detonation of explosives in a mine". Another hunter, in this case of the zone of Saldaña, explains that "the ground shook under my feet due to the impact". But later, one disappeared and the meteorite seems to have evaporated, informs R. G. Several people also saw the rest of the meteorite in the province of Soria. Neighbors of localities like Almarza, Almazán, Medinaceli or Round Quintana confirmed that they had contemplated in the sky "an enormous light orange, like a descendent flare". The assistant representative of the Government, Carlos of the House, explained that "officially we do not have anything", although, the Civil Guard had unfolded average to verify the place by where the rest of the meteorite could have fallen. But, testimonies separate, the agents did not locate any of the fragments of the meteorite that supposedly could have hit in Soria, informs M. H. Before the commotion caused by this cosmic phenomenon, the Superior Council of Scientific researches has taken positions in the subject and in an official notice he informs into which according to the data of direct witnesses and official institutions all he makes think that he is "typical the luminance and acoustic fenomenología of a bolide (he is called thus to any object, and its associated phenomenon, that enters the terrestrial atmosphere)". And it adds that, as a result of the "disintegration that takes place by the friction with the terrestrial atmosphere, the probabilities of finding fragments are very little and it is not possible to be spoken of meteorítica fall until rest do not exist that verify the extraterrestrial nature of the samples". The CSIC says that the Center of Astrobiology will be in charge to make the necessary analyses "to the samples that could appear". An object of great dimensions An geologist of that organism, Jesus Marti'nez-Fri'as, in declarations to Efe, said that the fact that the sightings have followed one another in places very moved away to each other aims at that it is an object "of great dimensions", and it was ventured to clarify that it could have the size "of a villa". According to this scientist, the description that people do of the object is "the typical one" of this type of sightings in any place of the world, when talking about to a ball of fire and to the wake formed by this one. It needed that in its fall, the object is fragmented, which also could explain that it has been seen in so diverse places. Marti'nez-Fri'as indicated that the meteorites that recover come generally from the asteroid belt that they orbit between Mars and Jupiter, and said that some of them make eccentric orbits and more approach the Earth, until being catched by the gravity, which causes that the bolide forms. Other meteorites, nevertheless, come from Mars or the Moon. http://babelfish.altavista.com/babelfish/urltrurl?lp=es_en&url=http://www.humanitas-international.org/newstran/newsdesk-spanish.htm ABC.es The investigators discard that the craters of River basin must to the fall of a meteorite River basin The experts of the Superior Council of Investigaciones Cienti'ficas (CSIC) have determined that the craters found in Minglanilla (River basin), do not have relation with a meteorítico impact and the possible fall of rest of the fire ball that was Vista in several provinces the past Sunday. According to the Subdelegation informed into the Government of River basin, the investigators of the CSIC that moved to Minglanilla tonight have discarded that the found craters of small size in the zone have been originated by a cosmic phenomenon of characteristics of the impact of a meteor. Concretely, the results of the detailed inspection of the land "indicate that it does not exist relation with the materials, structures and effects associated with impacts of meteorítico type", added the Subdelegation of the Government in River basin. However, he emphasized that the fact that a meteorítico impact has discarded does not imply that the investigations in other zones of the peninsula become paralyzed, although the experts have reiterated who the probability of finding fragments is little. The investigation has been carried out after in the afternoon-night of the last Sunday a fire in strange circumstances in the place was originated "Corral of Juan Sayas", of Minglanilla. Several people assured that they had seen fall in the zone some of the "fire balls" that afternoon flew over of Sunday the Spanish airspace. For this reason, the Command of the Civil Guard of River basin decided to inspect meticulous of the zone to the light of the day, in whose course a series of craters of small size within the perimeter of the fire was discovered, in which 3 hectares burned with scrub and mounts low. Once discovered and before the possibility that they could be related to the cosmic phenomenon registered Sunday, it was decided to start up the protocol anticipated for similar situations, that it includes among other performances to surround the zone of the possible impact and to give warning to the CSIC in case it considers advisable to carry out an investigation. The CSIC decided to send a team of investigators headed by the geologist and person in charge of the Laboratory of Certification and Meteorite Identification of the Center of Astrobiology, Jesus Marti'nez-Fri'as, who after examining the zone has determined that in her there are indications of meteorítico no impact. -- Pekka Savolainen Jokiharjuntie 4 FIN-71330 Rasala FINLAND + 358 400 818 912 Group Home Page: http://www.smartgroups.com/groups/eurocoin Group Email Address: eurocoin_at_smartgroups.comReceived on Tue 06 Jan 2004 11:36:31 PM PST |
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