[meteorite-list] NWA 869 pairings

From: M come Meteorite Meteorites <mcomemeteorite2000_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:31:58 2004
Message-ID: <20040105151656.36004.qmail_at_web10310.mail.yahoo.com>

Some NWA 900 slices its visible in my yahoo album


all pieces its sold. Another slice is visible in the
Norton new book....the classification of my NWA 900 is
L3/6 Brecciated with shock veins, analysis exit in the
Met.Bull. n.87


--- Zelimir Gabelica <Z.Gabelica_at_uha.fr> wrote:
> Jeff, Dean, List,
> Thanks for NWA 869 info. A superb meteorite indeed.
> Another NWA, currently labelled "NWA 904", that can
> be currently found by
> now relatively abundant on the European market(s),
> appears to be quite
> similar to NWA 869 . Its general aspect, color,
> inclusions...fit fairly well
> Jeff's description of NWA 869 on its site as well.
> Anybody heard about possible pairings of NWA 869 and
> 904 ?
> A more general question would be:
> What are all the other NWA supposed to be paired
> with NWA 869 so far (other
> than NWA 787 and 900, as mentioned by Jeff)?
> And, if such pairings are confirmed, I suppose the
> TKW of this meteorite
> would be over the 3000 kg that Dean mentioned...
> Thanks to experts for providing any further data on
> this beauty. Its final
> classification ("simple L5") is so surprising...
> My most cordial wishes for 2004 to all!
> Zelimir
> Prof. Zelimir Gabelica
> Groupe Sécurité et Ecologie Chimiques (GSEC) -
> 3, rue A. Werner
> F-68093 MULHOUSE Cedex, FRANCE
> Tel: +33 (0)3 89 33 68 94
> FAX: +33 (0)3 89 33 68 15
> e-Mail: Z.Gabelica_at_uha.fr
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M come Meteorite - Matteo Chinellato
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Email: mcomemeteorite2000_at_yahoo.it
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International Meteorite Collectors Association #2140
MSN Messanger: spacerocks_at_hotmail.com

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