[meteorite-list] New to List: Intro. Dog struck by meteorite lives on!
From: David Freeman <dfreeman_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:31:57 2004 Message-ID: <3FF86004.6020607_at_fascination.com> Dear Anita; Welcome to the List. After a bit, you will be filled with other emotions besides being thrilled. That is fine, as life is full of all different emotions. You will laugh at us, mourn with us, become your own person of opinion and worth here for us to banter with. You will learn big words, and astrophysics. You will one day ask your self, "how does that dim wit manage to dress himself every day". Geology and astronomy are much closer related than either discipline will professionally admit. Ride with the intrepid adventurer as he travels to the exotic lands of India, Morocco, the California deserts, and warmly, Park Forest! Wow, this all happened in just the past year. We are rapidly approaching the one year anniversary of the shuttle disaster, at times for good, and bad, we are ahead of the national news with information. Be prepared. Expect little verbal wars to erupt, expect to see works of love and accomplishment, expect to see many warm friends of the meteorite world laugh and be silly, and yet be professional meteorite experts. See little contests of sharing and compassion. Learn to graciously "eat crow". Our list has an archive. There are many many links to web sites, and personal pages with information. We have the Meteorite Times emagazine, we have the handful of best books and another handful of really good books, we have the NASA posts and we have the camaraderie of the big Tucson show, and other smaller shows. I tend to savor them all. Please understand the "delete" key at your keyboard is your right and privilege to use, and use it often. Also note that for every one list post, there are sometimes a few to many side posts of list members sending private emails to friends asking further questions, poking further insult to injury, or sending lots of little smily faces with Hi-five messages. Please feel free to develop your people skills along with your meteorite education. We are, as a whole, a very warm and passionate group. If you do not agree, just start a post about a dog in Africa that may have been thumped on the head by a rock from the sky......... or publicly evaluate the worth of eBay, or pull up the topic of "specks" as specimens, and see how much fun you can witness. Your grand provocateur; ........ oh, and above all, keep praying for a meteorite to fall in your back yard! Dave Freeman IMCA# 3864 eBay user ID mjwy Anita Westlake wrote: >Dear Meteorite List: > I just joined this list a couple of days ago and am thrilled to be a >part of it. > I came to love meteorites through the back door you might say. I have >always loved rocks and minerals, dabbled a bit in fossils and then found >my truest love of all: meteorites. > What I find so fascinating about meteorites, and I'm sure you'll all >agree, is the stories they have to tell. Knowing where they came from in >space is pretty cool, but knowing the stories they tell once they land >makes them fascinating even to a newbie like me. Two such stories come >immediately to mind: Peekskill and Valera. > I only have 32 meteorites in my collection right now, but I certainly >hope to add more as time goes by. I don't have to have the best piece, >or the biggest. The fact that I own it at all is plenty good enough for >me! > I hope I can make contributions to this list with my limited >knowledge. If nothing else, my enthusiasm should win the day! > >Anita Westlake >Atlanta, GA > >>__________________________________ >>Do you Yahoo!? >>Find out what made the Top Yahoo! Searches of 2003 >>http://search.yahoo.com/top2003 >> >>______________________________________________ >>Meteorite-list mailing list >>Meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com >>http://www.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list >> > >______________________________________________ >Meteorite-list mailing list >Meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com >http://www.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/meteorite-list > > Received on Sun 04 Jan 2004 01:48:36 PM PST |
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