[meteorite-list] STONE: an articifial meteorite experiment
From: Tom aka James Knudson <knudson911_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:31:57 2004 Message-ID: <002101c3d221$5d270d60$29d043d8_at_malcolm> Have you all read about this? I could not get the ling to work so I mailed the article Thanks, Tom Peregrineflier <>< Overview The Foton-12 mission hosted the ESA experiment STONE, the first artificial meteorite experiment aiming at studying the modifications suffered by meteorites during atmospheric entry. STONE is an investigation about the physical and chemical modifications occurring in meteorites during atmospheric infall, especially in sedimantary rocks coming from Mars. Its scientific scope interlinks mineralogy, planetary science, exobiology and chemistry. Generally, meteorites differ from ordinary terrestrial rocks by the coloured fusion crust acquired during the atmospheric entry. However, carbonate-rich Martian sedimentary rocks may never develop a fusion crust. Indeed, thermal decrepitation of carbonates during atmospheric infall is likely to produce a surface texture that is not recognisable as a fusion crust - in which case such meteorites would be overlooked by the collectors. In addition, the atmospheric entry may also alter the chemical and isotopic composition of the samples. Detailed description of the experiment and its results by Dr. André Brack, Centre de Biophysique Moleculaire, CNRS, Rue Charles Sandron, F-45071 Orleans, France, and Prof. Gero Kurat, Naturhistorisches Museum, Postfach 417, A-1014 Wien, Austria The study of meteorites Artificial meteorites offer a unique possibility to identify changes accompanying atmospheric infall on well-defined material by reference to original, unexposed samples. They can also be loaded with bacteria and can therefore be used to evaluate the chances of extraterrestrial microbial samples to reach safely the surface of the Earth. Real atmospheric entry as compared to simulation on ground represents the easiest way to study the physical, chemical and morphological transformations brought to a high speed object impacting a gradient of nitrogen/oxygen gas mixtures. Most of the 25 000 meteorites collected so far originate from bodies in the asteroid belt. There are 18 samples definitely from the Moon. Most lunar meteorites are regolith samples, as would be expected if rocks are propelled from planetary surfaces by impact. There are further 14 meteorites, known as SNC meteorites, lumped together on the basis of a number of common characteristics which make the samples quite distinct from asteroidal debris. They are believed to originate from Mars. None of these SNC meteorites is a surface sample. Because Mars had a warm and wet past climate, its surface must be covered by both impact generated regolith and sedimentary rocks deposited by running and/or still water. The sedimentary rocks should comprise detrital deposits as well as chemical sediments like evaporites. In addition, groundwater can be expected to compact loose sediments and regolith by filling the pore space with evaporitic minerals. Such consolidated sedimentary hard rocks should be among the Martian meteorites but they are not. It is possible that they did survive escape acceleration from the Martian surface but did not survive terrestrial atmospheric entry because of decrepitation of the cementing mineral which is very likely to be a sulphate. Description of the STONE experiment The STONE experiment aims at studying the physical and chemical modifications in sedimentary rocks during atmospheric infall. Three terrestrial pieces of rock have been exposed to atmospheric entry at the outer surface of the Foton 12 capsule: 1. A basalt to serve as an inflight control to demonstrate that the impact heat is sufficient to form a dark fusion crust (the entry velocity of the Foton satellite is lower than that of a meteorite). Basalts are representative of all planetary surfaces. They are the primitive silicate liquids formed by partial melting of chondrites, the most primitive matter of the solar system, i.e., the building blocks of the planets. The sample is an alkali olivine basalt from Pauliberg, a Tertiary volcano in Burgenland, Austria. 2. Dolostone (dolomite), carbonate sedimentary rock, a chemical sedimentary rock containing also remnants of carbonate fossil shells and some silicate debris. The rock is very fine-grained, re-crystallised (<50 µm) and dense. It consists of dolomite (Ca-Mg carbonate) and minor amounts of quartz and feldspar. The rock was collected at the base of the Lagazuoi Mountain in the bed of Rio Lagazuoi just below Passo di Falzarego, Belluno, Italy. 3. An artificial rock simulating the Martian regolith or soil, composed of 80% basalt crushed into grains of less than 5 mm in size, and 20% gypsum to cement the grains. Results of the STONE experiment The three samples were embedded into the ablative heat shield of Foton-12 which was launched on 9 September and landed on 24 September 1999. The basalt heat shield holder for unknown reasons failed and the basalt sample has been lost, probably during the final stage of ablative high-speed atmospheric entry. The dolomite rock was burned down to 40% of its original thickness but still resisted to the atmospheric entry (Figure). Its mineralogy has dramatically been modified. Dolomite, CaMg(CO3)2, broke down to CaO (solid) + MgO (solid, periclase) + 2CO2 (gas). CaO reacted partly with H2O from the air to form Ca(OH)2, the mineral portlandite. The Martian mock soil was totally burned, as expected, and the small pieces caused extensive ablation on the lee side holder and heat shield (Figure). However, small fragments could be collected from underneath the sample holder. The two collected entry samples are presently analysed for their chemistry, mineralogy and isotopic compositions. In each case, changes accompanying atmospheric infall are made visible by reference to the original, untreated samples. Preliminary results suggest that some Martian sediments could in part survive terrestrial atmospheric entry but shall disintegrate in the terrestrial environment very quickly beyond beyond recognizability if they are predominantly made of carbonate. Received on Sat 03 Jan 2004 12:45:21 PM PST |
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