[meteorite-list] OT: Answer to the Google challenge
From: martinh_at_isu.edu <martinh_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:31:20 2004 Message-ID: <2250621897.2189722506_at_isu.edu> The answer to the google=2Ecom google doodle for Feb 3rd is at the bottom= of this email=2E ----- Original Message ----- From=3A =22Matson=2C Robert=22 =3CROBERT=2ED=2EMATSON=40saic=2Ecom=3E Date=3A Tuesday=2C February 3=2C 2004 0=3A01 am Subject=3A =5Bmeteorite-list=5D OT=3A Google challenge =3E Hi All=2C =3E = =3E If you haven=27t already=2C check out the Google home page for today =3E (February 3rd)=2C and see if you can figure out the significance=2E =3E Even cheating with a Google search=2C it may take you a while to =3E discover the meaning=2E =3E = =3E --Rob =3E = Answer=3A Gaston Maurice Julia=2E Born 3 Feb 1893 in Sidi Bel Abb=C3=A8s=2C Algeria= Died 19 March1978 in Paris=2C France=2E Click the picture above to see f= ive larger pictures =A0 http=3A//www-gap=2Edcs=2Est-and=2Eac=2Euk/=7Ehistory/Mathematicians/Julia= =2Ehtml = Extractions=3A When only 25 when Gaston Julia published his 199 page mast= erpiece which made him famous in the mathematics centres of his days=2E A= s a soldier in the First World War=2C Julia had been severely wounded in = an attack on the French front design ed to celebrate the Kaiser=27s birthday=2E Many on both sides were wounde= d including Julia who lost his nose and had to wear a leather strap acros= s his face for the rest of his life=2E Between several painful operations= he carried on his mathematical researches in hospital=2E Later he became= a distinguished professor at the Ecole Polytechnique in Paris=2E In 1918= Julia published a beautiful paper (1918)=2C 47-245=2C concerning the ite= ration of a rational function f =2E Julia gave a precise description of t= he set J(f) of those z in C for which the n th iterate f n z ) stays boun= ded as n Seminars were organised in Berlin in 1925 to study his work and = participants included Brauer Hopf and Reidemeister =2E H Cremer produced = an essay on his work which included the first visualisation of a Julia se= t=2E Received on Tue 03 Feb 2004 09:00:49 AM PST |
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