[meteorite-list] Greensburg Pallasite

From: Jonathan Gore <jonathan301_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat Dec 25 18:03:35 2004
Message-ID: <41CDF1C1.7030209_at_earthlink.net>

Sorry if this is a duplicate, my original post hasn't appeared for some

Impactika_at_aol.com wrote:
> Since the List is very quiet today, here is a question a friend of mine sent
> to me:
> ---------------
> but I'm curious, what do you know about the ("fabled"?) Greensburg, KS,
> meteorite, supposedly a pallasite? I see (from the internet) that the town claims
> this as the "world's largest pallasite" (they usually mis-spell it pallisite),
> though reliable sources rather say that Esquiel, Argentina (owned by Robert
> Haag) has that honor.

I've always heard that the KS meteorite(?) weighed ~1000lb while Esquel
weighed ~1500kg (1500kg is much more than 1000lb). That's about all I know.

Clear skies,


"Nothing in life is to be feared. It is
only to be understood." - Marie Curie
Received on Sat 25 Dec 2004 06:03:29 PM PST

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