[meteorite-list] Meteorite 'News'

From: ken newton <magellon_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Dec 23 17:48:07 2004
Message-ID: <41CB4B23.5040900_at_earthlink.net>


"As a rule, meteorites do not fall down on inhabited localities. They
prefer to hit seas, lakes, fields and even the Antarctic....."

"One of the pieces flew into a kitchen window and burnt a plastic
container there."

"A recent research showed that the number of meteorite collectors
considerably increased owing to the Internet. It is noteworthy that the
black market of meteorites has been very active in 2004. Meteorite
trafficking and robbery has become much more frequent; the prices on
space rocks started growing too."

"Experts do not know why incidents with meteorites have become so
frequent nowadays. One of the versions says that someone in deep black
space deliberately bombards the Earth with meteorites. "

An example of where the public gets their misconceptions.....

Ken Newton
Received on Thu 23 Dec 2004 05:48:03 PM PST

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