[meteorite-list] Burglary

From: Pelé Pierre-Marie <pierremariepele_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Dec 16 17:34:02 2004
Message-ID: <20041216223359.59039.qmail_at_web25805.mail.ukl.yahoo.com>

Hello to the List,

I'm sorry for you Bernhard. My parents' country house
was also robbed two years ago and I know they suffered
from this.

I hope you'll be able to reconstruct your coin
collection. That's strange that they didn't stole the
meteorite collection but it's a chance for you anyway.


Pierre-Marie PELE

P.S. I also own a small Chiang Khan fragment by the way.


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Received on Thu 16 Dec 2004 05:33:59 PM PST

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