[meteorite-list] Pellisson, the end of a free meteorite hobby?

From: Charles Viau <cviau_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat Dec 4 14:17:18 2004
Message-ID: <20041204191716.4C8ED2656D_at_ns4.beld.net>

Having a hard time deciding who has more a authority... a French Court or
the security cops down at the mall.... I guess I would pick the mall.
One thing certain, I will purchase all the NWA's I can get my hands on,
except any one that a Pelisson would make a profit on..


-----Original Message-----
From: meteorite-list-bounces_at_meteoritecentral.com
[mailto:meteorite-list-bounces_at_meteoritecentral.com] On Behalf Of Greg Hupe
Sent: Saturday, December 04, 2004 2:24 PM
To: Norbert Classen
Cc: meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Pellisson, the end of a free meteorite hobby?

Hello All,

The name "Pelisson" reminds me of "Pelican" here in Florida, a bird that
sits, sh_ts and waits for the next opportunity to grab something. These
freaks are just in this for the attention, they grabbed it, now they will
have to deal with it, grease included! I find the cartoons somewhat
comical - Mark, do not peruse this line of comedy however! ;-)

Not being a terrorist, I am sometimes "terrorized" by the occasional memory
of the Denver Death Cookie event of 2003! Hey Mark, Blake how about
y'all?(me learning southern drawl)? ;-)


----- Original Message -----
From: "Norbert Classen" <trifid_at_timewarp.de>
To: <meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Friday, December 03, 2004 5:24 PM
Subject: AW: [meteorite-list] Pellisson, the end of a free meteorite hobby?

> Richard and Roland Pelisson, All,
> Richard and Roland Pelisson wrote:
>> And if Bruno Fectay has something to express why does he needs to
>> write through N. Classen and not with his own email ?
> This is ridiculous - I explained it in my initial post to the list.
> Once again, for your records, I wrote:
>>> I'm forwarding this message on behalf of Bruno & Carine.
>>> They are having problems to post to the list, and thus they
>>> asked me for assistance.
> It's not that unusual that list members have problems to get through,
> directly, and it's a very poor argument to create the impression as
> if Bruno & Carine were hiding behind my emails/name - I posted this
> on their behalf and in their name, and that's as good as if they had
> posted it themselves. There, here you go...
>> Regarding our web page on NWA meteorites, the French court decided
>> in our favor:
>> "Il ne peut ?tre contest? que le d?bat sur les lieux de d?couvertes
>> des m?t?orites est l?gitime et pr?sente un int?r?t scientifique. La
>> m?me l?gitimit? doit ?tre reconnue pour les discussions sur le
>> transport et les op?rations commerciales relatives ? ces m?t?orites"
>> We hope that everybody can return to his passion. And we wish that those
>> interested by the subject will wait for the official decision.
> Some things might be legal, but that doesn't make them legitimate, nor
> ethical. You started the whole argument about "money for terrorism", and
> now you have the nerve to tell us to "return to our passion", as if
> nothing had happened? Come on! If you have ANY hard proof that ANY
> NWA funds were used to support terrorism, or Islamistic networks, go
> ahead and forward it to this list, NOW. If you don't have such hard
> proof, please go ahead and DELETE your most disgusting page, ASAP, and
> stop playing games with us. It will be then that I can "return to my
> passion", and this has absolutely nothing to do with decissions in
> court, but just with common sense, and basic ethics.
> 'nough said,
> Norbert
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Received on Sat 04 Dec 2004 02:17:17 PM PST

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