[meteorite-list] I, persidious!

From: Kerns, John <John.Kerns_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Mon Aug 30 17:21:40 2004
Message-ID: <4CBE712A678062478467CB170783D502021D8DAE_at_XCGCAV06.northgrum.com>


What assistance are you asking for?

        - Are you requesting information about the Perseid meteor shower?


        - Are you asking about the meaning of the "non-word" persidious?
          (which is most likely a misspelling of the word perfidious)

John Kerns

-----Original Message-----
From: meteorite-list-bounces_at_meteoritecentral.com
[mailto:meteorite-list-bounces_at_meteoritecentral.com]On Behalf Of David
Sent: Monday, August 30, 2004 1:19 PM
To: Patricia Whitehurst; meteorite-list
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] I, persidious!

Dear Pat, and meteorite central email list;
I have corrupted the word "persid", meaning the persids meteor shower.
 I, persidious, being that I am taken up with or are "of" persid meteor
shower.....I presume that the meteor shower was named after some greek
explorer if I had a guess.

Any List member care to take a shot at this one?

Not as much persidious as I once thought,
Dave Freeman

Patricia Whitehurst wrote:

>My granddaughter was asked by her teacher to find the meaning of persidious.
>Your site is the only place I can find the word. Could you let me know what
>it means?

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Received on Mon 30 Aug 2004 05:22:13 PM PDT

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