[meteorite-list] NPA 09-21-1897, Peary Back Again (Cape York Meteorite)
From: MARK BOSTICK <thebigcollector_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Sat Aug 14 17:44:18 2004 Message-ID: <BAY4-F30JJdPiHi6tTC0002b285_at_hotmail.com> Paper: Naugatuck Daily News City: Naugatuck, Connecticut Date: September 21, 1897 Page: 8 PEARY BACK AGAIN The July Expedition Returns From Greenland's Shores. ALL ON BOARD SAFE AND SOUND. The Last Ton of Coal Burned Steaming Into Harbor at Cape Brenton, but the Ship is Ballasted Well With a Giant Meteorite. SYDNEY, C.B., Sept. 21. - The steam sealing back Hope, with Lieutenant R. E. Peary and party on board, returning from north Greenland, arrived here late yesterday afternoon. All on board are well. The Hope came into port burning her last ton of coal and with her bulwarks and decks giving evidence of the furious seas of an unusually stormy summer. She is nearly as deep in the water as when she left here in the latter part of July with her bunkers full of coal, for the huge Cape York meteorite, the largest in the world, is in her hold. Lieutenant Peary has on board also six Cape York Eskimos, who will go with him when he returns next year to attempt to reach the north pole. The Eskimos have their tent, sledges and canoes. They are eager for the undertaking, and all the arrangements have been made. The expedition visited Cape Sabine, and relics of the ill fated expedition led by Greely have been obtained. The summer in Baffins bay was marked by almost continuously stormy weather and by an unusual scarcity of ice. The investigating party from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, under Mr. R. W. Porter, landed at Cape Haven on Aug. 3 and did not re-embark until Sept. 13. The party led by Mr. Hugh Lee, the arctic explorer of Meriden, Conn., landed at Godhaven on Aug. 7 and re-embarked Sept. 7. Professor Schuchert's party, landed at Omenak on Aug. 8, re-embarking on Sept. 4. The party led by Robert Stein of the United States geological survey was on land from Aug. 10 to Sept. 2. The Hope will coal here and then proceed to New York, where she will land the meteorite. ------------------------------------------------------ The object of the expedition, which left Boston on July 19 last for Sydney, was to bring about the establishment of a settlement at a remote northern point in Greenland, which would be used as a base of supplies for an expedition in search of the north pole under Lieutenant Peary in 1898. To this end, according to Lieutenant Peary's plans, as made known as that time, a party of Eskimos was to established at the new settlement and would during the ensuring 12 months be engaged in making preparations for the expedition. The Hope was to skirt the coast of Greenland, dropping scientific parties at various points and taking Lieutenant Peary to Whale sound, where it was proposed to establish the settlement. In the party as originally constituted were 43 persons, including, besides, Lieutenant Peary and Mrs. Peary and their daughter, their servant and the crew. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh J. Lee, who chose a cruise in arctic waters as a wedding trip; Robert Stein of the United States geological survey, Albert Operil, the well known arctic scenic artist; J. D. Figgins of Falls Church, Va., taxidermist; Dr. Frederick Sohon, surgeon, Washington, and several investigation parties, one under the direction of Professor C. H. Hitchcock of Dartmouth, having in view a study of glaciers and the relics of the old Norse colonists from Iceland; another from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, under Mr. R. W. Porter, whose plan was to hunt the big game of the country and bring back zoological specimens, and a third, headed by Professor Charles Echuehert and Mr. C.D. White, representing the National museum, with instructions to examine fossil formations, which it had been claimed tended to prove that Greenland was once a country of tropical climate. The bringing home of the Cape York meteorite was a secondary, though a scarcely less interesting object of the expedition. (end) Clear Skies, Mark Bostick Please visit, www.MeteoriteArticles.com, a free on-line archive of meteor and meteorite articles. Received on Sat 14 Aug 2004 05:44:16 PM PDT |
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