[meteorite-list] Explorers Find UFO Fragments in Tunguska MeteoriteArea

From: Francis Graham <francisgraham_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Tue Aug 10 18:16:02 2004
Message-ID: <20040810221559.90752.qmail_at_web40110.mail.yahoo.com>

Dear List--
  If you can allow the possibility that we are not the
only intelligent species in the galaxy, it is
certainly possible that some ET device could have
crashed in Tunguska. But as one person said (Dave
Rosen?) "Many things are possible but fewer things
actually are."
   If I found a "technical device" at the Tunguska
site I would want high-res pix on the net asap. Where
are they?
    Furthermore, I'd arrange to have it in a musuem or
curatorial facility for examination by competent
scholars asap too. Where is it?
    There is a greater possibility too that any sort
of device may be aircraft or spacecraft parts that
came down, unrelated to the 1908 event. That's why I'd
do exactly as above, quickly.
    I think it would likely be NOT ET, because the
Earth is such a small target to a probe loose in the
galaxy, even if it has the ability to autonomously
home in on a silicate water-covered world with a large
percentage of free oxygen in its atmosphere. Even in
our solar system there are two worlds that meet that
criteria (Europa is the other). UFO "believers" tend
to overemphasize our planet's own importance.
    But there is a slim possibility of ET. Charlie
Chan has the quote which ends this missive: "Sometimes
strange events permit themselves the luxury of having
Francis Graham

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