[meteorite-list] The best part of this hobby!
From: John K. Gwilliam <jkg_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:31:11 2004 Message-ID: <> Dear Sappy Jack, Like you, I too enjoy the people just as much as the meteorites themselves. Some of my best friends in the world have come from the meteorite community and I look forward to our time in the field together like a kid looks forward to Christmas. I met Mike Miller a few weeks ago when he and his hunting partner Ruben were in the Phoenix area on business. Not only are these two guys first-class people, but they're also dedicated and gifted meteorite hunters. Devin is lucky to have a dad and a friend like you. Actually, you're both very blessed that you can share a common hobby that allows you to spend time together. Best, John Gwilliam At 04:58 PM 4/4/2004, Jack Schrader wrote: >Hello list members! I am a meteorite hobbyist, not a professional in any >way, shape or form. Just someone who has grown to truly love this >hobby. I first got interested in meteorites via my son's interest in >astronomy and space in general. I, not knowing at the time that you could >EVEN OWN a meteorite, found a Dalgety Downs on Mike Farmer's ebay >listings. This was in the early days way before Gold Basin and Morocco >ever happened on the scene. Well, I bid on the meteorite for my son, won >it, and the rest you can guess. It has been a truly wonderful experience >and a new lease on life for me ever since. I have been able to spend many >wonderful weekends out in the desert with my son doing something together >that we both found that we love so very much, hunting for these very >special rocks and getting so excited TOGETHER when we would find >one. The times that I got to spend with my son are truly priceless and >I would not trade those times for anything. I have even been so very >fortunate as to be able to go to Oman and hunt meteorites WITH my son! A >truly incredible experience! My son's name is Devin by the way, a more >wonderful and special son, I could not imagine. Many of you may know him >personally or have seen his posts to the list. I am twice blessed to have >two very special sons! Even though the meteorites themselves are a world >of fun to find and collect and own, I just wanted to say that I have found >over the years it has been the people that I have met that have been the >real treasures in this crazy hobby. I treasure the friendships I have >made, and would not trade a single one of them for all of the meteorites >you could possibly own in a lifetime! I am absolutely sincere when I say >this. I just met Mike Miller of Kingman. A true gentleman and a man of >impeccable integrity was my very first impression when we met. I am >certain that any of you who know Mike personally would agree. Mike drove >seven hours from Kingman to trade some meteorites with me. And then he >turned around and drove another seven hours just to get back home. The >meteorites are very nice, but I found that I very much enjoyed getting to >talk with this man for the short time we had together and realized once >again, that this is what it is really about for me. The people, not the >things. I look at meteorites as things, a common matrix that we all share >which serves to bind us, the chondrules together. For me, it's the people >I love, not the things. At the VERY REAL RISK of being labeled SAPPY, >Jack Schrader Received on Sun 04 Apr 2004 08:45:57 PM PDT |
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