[meteorite-list] Latest spat info
From: Michael L Blood <mlblood_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:31:10 2004 Message-ID: <BC92FFB8.77E4%mlblood_at_cox.net> -Whereas various parties have engaged in no-no activity -and Whereas a plethora of list members seem to have misplaced both their sense of humor AND their delete keys (easy for me to say, as I didn't have any of MY private posts published...) -and Whereas multiple list members have contacted me off list -and Whereas people are jumping ship faster than OJ Simpson can cut through butter -and Whereas this is all getting to be quite old I have taken the following actions: 1) I have contacted the great guru who lives high in a mountainous cave (Art). Be prepared: what Art chooses to do is very likely to be exactly what he has done in the past; nothing rash. (this MUST be an improperly punctuated sentence.....Any English majors out there, please contact me off list and let me know). 2) I have contacted Proud Tom who will, hopefully, provide comic relief to the masses. (Proud Tom - CHECK YOUR PROUD TOM EMAIL!!!!!) There, the Bat Signal has been sent! However, Proud Tom has been painfully missing in action since receiving a Harvey Award at this year's Tucson Bash and may have become permanently transfixed.... just staring at it in a deep trance, lost indefinitely in a stupor in the eighth bardo. So, folks, be prepared for anything! (from absolutely nothing to heads being chopped off and web pages of hysterical mirth and reactionary mewling filling the internet). Oh, it is a good day. Hope is in the air and my delete key works just fine, thank you. Life is good. Of course, with some of what has been going on, a little voice in the back of my head whispers horrifying, paranoid thoughts.... what if Art does nothing and list members resort to outright suicide? What if Proud Tom continues to be missing in action - just when we need him most..... What if a never ending barrage of criticism descends upon me for daring to have a sense of humor about all this, let alone invite that dastardly Proud Tom to chime in!? Oh, well..... I can always go ride my wind buggy with Cecil. Besides, a Tektite Party nears, I have the latest Harry Potter book on tape to listen to on my way to LA and back and there are no classes next week! Oh, happy day! Lastly: just so I don't evoke the wrath of the wicked, I DID mention Tektites and I DO hope a meteorite smashes my car while I am at the party and I have plenty of witnesses. So, this IS a meteorite post - don't zing me on that account. Best wishes, Michael Received on Fri 02 Apr 2004 02:32:08 PM PST |
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