[meteorite-list] Dronino

From: Pekka Savolainen <pekka.savolainen_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:31:09 2004
Message-ID: <406C0966.5090006_at_dlc.fi>

The first pieces were terrible, I have one 100 grams piece in the
riker-box, and itīs pure shale and dust now, itīs one of the first
pieces came tothe market after the found.

The more new ones purached from Finmet are quite stable, donīt
know exact, whatīs the method Ivan uses to satbilise them, but
they seem to stay in a good condition. I have had a polished end-
cut on my desk several months without any marks of rust.

The price of Dronino is quite low, so to me it seems worth to
buy a piece, itīs a quite interresting one. But you have to check,
you are buying a stabilised piece, not one of the first catastrophes...;-


pekka s

joseph_town_at_att.net wrote:

>I've considered Dronino since it was first offered. The original seller pulled no punches and pointed out how perishable it is. Boiled it in oil and recommended storing in oil or grease. Has anyone tried the lye treatment on it yet with positive results? Speaking from the viewpoint of the average collector, is it worth buying or is it as objectionable as Nantan?
>Bill Kieskowski
>Meteorite-list mailing list

Pekka Savolainen
Jokiharjuntie 4
FIN-71330 Rasala
+ 358 400 818 912
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Received on Thu 01 Apr 2004 07:21:58 AM PST

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