[meteorite-list] Re: rust, cleaning, and silicone

From: magellon <magellon_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:30:01 2004
Message-ID: <3F78110D.513CFEAD_at_earthlink.net>

Actually you would want to do the reverse.
Pump the air OUT of the vessel.
This would cause the solution to permeate the meteorite immediately.
ken newton

mark ford wrote:
> Steve,
> Just a thought really, six months is a long time!, I was wondering if
> there would (in theory), be a way of speeding up the process? What about
> warming up the solution or putting the whole thing into a pressure
> vessel and pumping it up?
> could any of these idea's help the process to work quicker?
> Mark Ford
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Steve Schoner [mailto:steve_schoner_at_yahoo.com]
> Sent: 28 September 2003 16:52
> To: Stephen McMann; meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Re: rust, cleaning, and silicone
> --- Stephen McMann <stephen_mcmann_at_hotmail.com> wrote:
> ---------------------------------
> Dear List,
> A quick question regarding rust. I have been mulling
> over a simple strategy for the long term care of my
> SAs (and other meteorites). Right now it seems that a
> good strategy is to give the SAs an alcohol and NaOH
> treatment to dispose of the Cl- from fingerprints
> etc., and otherwise keep them with VCIs and dessicant.
> A possible complication is that several of my SAs were
> once wiped with a silicone gun cloth (by me). However,
> for the alcohol and NaOH treatment to be most
> effective I assume that the silicone coating should
> go. What is a good method for removing such a
> coating? Will the alcohol and NaOH remove it? If
> anyone has some thoughts about this, I would be
> interested in them. Hopefully I am asking for
> information that is not just waiting in the archives.
> Sincerely,
> Stephen McMann
> ------
> NaOH with alcohol should remove it.
> Mix alcohol 70% with 40% or more of distilled water to
> avoid a layer of brine. If such a lay forms keep
> adding just enough water to eliminate that layer then
> the solution will be ready for soaking specimens.
> Currently, I am soaking several meteorites. A big 158
> lb Campo for Darryl Pitt, a small slice of Brenham, an
> end piece of Doronio, and a slice of Brahin for
> Matteo.
> All of these had advanced rusting problems. The large
> Campo has been soaking for 6 months in 25 quarts of
> solution, it should soon be ready for removal and
> drying in another month or so. If the flaking has
> stopped the specimen will be cured.
> The smaller pieces were treated with a coating, and
> the rust was quite bad. In fact two of the samples
> had fallen appart, and part of my process is to put
> them back together. Once the rusting is cured, after
> soaking these pieces for a month, reconstruction can
> be done with some patience. (Currently, at this
> point in my life I have lots of time).
> I will post the results.
> But again, yes, the NaOH will get through any coating
> that is on the specimen. In fact it will even soften
> a thick epoxy coating softening it like rubber which
> peels off.
> I have treated SA's before, and the fusion crust is
> not harmed other than the specific areas that are
> rusting with chlorides. These spots turn into dark
> brown oxides. But the oxide is very thin and
> superficial and with a tooth brush comes off to reveal
> the original surface underneath.
> Steve Schoner
> http://www.geocities.com/american_meteorite_survey
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Received on Mon 29 Sep 2003 07:01:33 AM PDT

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