[meteorite-list] Meteorite from Jupiter

From: Robert Cucchiara <r.cucchiara_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:30:00 2004
Message-ID: <031501c383cb$3d9b8d30$210110ac_at_BOB>

Hello all, I visited Alamo today to view the so called Jupiter meteorite
and others so proclaimed. When i arrived at the door i was greeted by an
older woman and her Tahitian husband. They escorted me back to their office
where i sat down. I was told that they were just trying to help out a friend
who at this time was in France receiving treatment for cancer due to their
socialized medicine. She said thankfully she is in remission. I was
equipped with all the necessary equipment for any possible detection of any
suspected meteorite along with some nice examples of real meteorites. I
brought along a whole fresh fusion crusted whole stone of a fall i recently
picked up in Mexico a slice of Esquell and a Sikhote alin to educate them on
the main group of meteorites. I also brought along some written info on the
planet Jupiter to give to her friend and explained to them why these rocks
could not be from there. They were very receptive and learned quite alot. I
started vieving the sample rocks she was given and asked her where her
friend had found them. She was reluctant at first not saying much as her
friend did not want the location known. There were about 10 different
samples. As i started unwrapping each specimen, it became evident this rocks
were different volcanic basalts and glasses and mantle xenoliths. I
explained to them what kind of rocks these were and they seemed relieved
they now knew the answers and that this was over. They could now wraps these
up and send them back to her friend with an explanation as to what they
were. They had done all they could to help out their friend. They then told
me that she brought them back from Tahiti and took them to the Bishop Museum
in Hawaii. Why they could not identify them as being pieces of Volcanic
material being from the islands is beyond me. She then told me the story of
how she believed she was being followed back to her room. I was told later
her room was broken in to. Now she is believing she has something valuable.
They continued on for about an hour telling stories about Tahiti and giving
me their business card and some very useful info on travel there along with
a name of a close friend whos a pilot who can island hop me around. Apon
leaving i was given some Tahitian rocks and shells along with a set of large
shark jaws. Obviously there was no scam involved here, just a lack of
knowledge of 2 older people just trying to help out a friend. These were
2 of the nicest people i have ever met and it was a pleasure seeing the
relief on their faces knowing the truth. Bob C.
----- Original Message -----
From: "John Gwilliam" <jkg_at_theriver.com>
To: <meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Monday, September 22, 2003 12:05 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Meteorite from Jupiter

> Hello List,
> In this morning's mail, I received an unusual letter from a Mrs. Cheung in
> Alamo, California. The letter says they are contacting me (the recipient
> of the letter) for a friend who wants some help selling some meteorites in
> her possession. It goes on to say that some of the stones have already
> been identified as meteorites by the Bishop Museum in Honolulu.
> They list five different samples that have been identified by the museum
> and they list densities for the specimens but no weights.
> Here is the interesting information in the letter.
> " In addition to the samples she has given us some photographs of the
> meteorites. During a conversation with her, one of the meteorites was
> identified as coming from the planet Jupiter."
> Imagine that, a meteorite from Jupiter!
> If anyone wants to pursue this, let me know and I'll give you the contact
> information....;-)
> Best,
> John Gwilliam
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Received on Thu 25 Sep 2003 09:12:22 PM PDT

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