[meteorite-list] Last India report.

From: Michael Farmer <meteoriteguy_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:28:27 2004
Message-ID: <20031014124913.77313.qmail_at_web20904.mail.yahoo.com>

Well, it has been oin heck of a week, I never knew
that this little meteorite hunt would open me up to a
broadside barrage from all sides and unexpected
Controversy is good though, it forces us to think a
I am leaving India in a couple of hours, flying to
Singapore, then to Tokyo, then LA and on home. a long
flight needless to say.
I went to the Indian Museum today, and not
surprisingly, it was a mess. They have beauitiful
specimens of mostly antiquities, all jumbled in dirty
rooms, 1000 year old sculptures unprotected, many
being rubbed away by touching, and others damaged by

The meteorite display is tiny, some good information
about meteorites, but only 4 specimens on display.
After lengthy discussions with almost ever person
working there, I found out the the other meteorites
are at the Geological Survey building, but after at
least an hour of trying, noone could tell me where
that is, and noone seems to have the slightest idea. I
did find the Geological Survey library, and assume
that the meteorites should be there also, but the
people there could speak only the minimum of english,
so after trying so hard to get information, I gave it
up as absolutely hopeless. This is a country where you
must have the knowledge, no one else has it, so even
finding a building was hopeless.
I am glad to be going home, but will miss the exotic
nature of this place.
I will be back.
I spoke to my driver again, and no news came in from
the field, so I think this one is case closed.
Ill be thinking long and hard about who my friends and
enemies are on the way home. It seems that noone can
try to do something high profile without generating
alot of controversy. That is why Bob is so silent now.
Oh, and by the way, we had tickets for him to go with
me on this trip, but he cancelled at the last moment.
I wonder if the accusations would have been the same
from the same people had Bob came with me? I highly
doubt it. I am an esier target .
Oh well, I had a blast, saw some horrible and
wonderful things, met alot of very nice people, and if
some of you begrudge me that, oh well.

See many of you in Gifhorn and Munich in the coming
Mike Farmer
Received on Tue 14 Oct 2003 08:49:13 AM PDT

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