[meteorite-list] Meteorites in limestone (or in sandstone, 120 pcs in Finland?????)
From: Martin <Martin_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:28:19 2004 Message-ID: <004201c388ec$672d7e80$49ef50d9_at_9y6y40j> Hi Pekka and the list, the fossile meteorites of Kinnekulle are very macroscopic. I couldn't find a picture in the web, so I scanned a photo from a magazine. (Sterne&Weltraum, 8/2003, p.15) The meteorite there is about 8cm x 6cm / 3.15" x 2.36" and is looking like, well, just as a an ordinary chondrite has to look like. I have no place to put it online, so if somebody interested in the picture I will mail it off list. Martin (from now on Martin A. to avoid confusion). ----- Original Message ----- From: "Pekka Savolainen" <pekka.savolainen_at_dlc.fi> To: "Martin Altmann" <Altmann_at_Meteorite-Martin.de> Cc: <meteorite-list_at_meteoritecentral.com> Sent: Thursday, October 02, 2003 3:24 PM Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorites in limestone (or in sandstone, 120 pcs in Finland?????) Hello, Martin and the list, we have also some fossile ???micro-meteorites??? found in Finland in sandstone, in Koylio, some 1,4 Ga old ??? These was found in 1960, then confimed as meteorites by Geological Survey of Finland and Munster university in 1998. Some ???120 micrometeorites??? was found. Anyway, when more material was collected, no meteorites was found at all. So in fact at the moment nobody knows, where those 120 ??? micrometeorites??? came from, so itīs possible, these Koylio ???micrometeorites??? donīt exist at all. They were discretidet later in 1990īs. Jarmo Moilanen has a more spesific story on his site; http://www.netppl.fi/~jarmom/geo/met/mkoyli_e.htm I have tried to find a clear difference between a micrometeorites and meteorites, so if somebody has it, please, let me know. There are several very, very small ones listed in cataloque, but the real micrometeorites is a different thing anyway, so the clear description with a "micrometeorite" would be more than welcome. take care, pekka s Received on Thu 02 Oct 2003 09:52:21 AM PDT |
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