[meteorite-list] Stange Happenings in the Shop
From: martinh_at_isu.edu <martinh_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:27:45 2004 Message-ID: <239df323bee0.23bee0239df3_at_isu.edu> Hi all other mad scientists=2C I once tossed a Canyon Diablo indvidual into a beaker of concentrated sul= phuric acid=2E The piece bucked=2C bubbled and twisted in its death throw= s=2C but nothing like what you guys experienced=2E Sounds like your magic= juice was really green=2E=2E=2EI mean green like alien! Cue the Twilight= Zone music! Keep us informed=2E Martin ----- Original Message ----- From=3A Pekka Savolainen =3Cpekka=2Esavolainen=40dlc=2Efi=3E Date=3A Saturday=2C November 8=2C 2003 0=3A29 am Subject=3A Re=3A =5Bmeteorite-list=5D Stange Happenings in the Shop =3E = =3E Hello Adam and the list=2C =3E = =3E hydrochloric acid has been widely used to remove calcite from the = =3E mineralspecimens=2E The smell of rotten eggs means usually hydrogen = =3E sulphide=2C so I =3E suppose=2C you have had a quite heavy liquid to clean the mets=2E Wel= l=2C = =3E naturalproduct anyway=2C no doubt=2E=2E=2E=3B- =3E = =3E If the stuff has been a mixture of hydrochlorid acide and sulphuric = =3E acid=2C you =3E have been lucky you didn=B4t hurt yourselves=2C huh=2E If you pour wa= ter = =3E / al cohol =3E to this heavy acid=2C the reaction may be very violent=2E But the = =3E mixture sure =3E etches irons=2E=2E=2E =3E = =3E take care=2C =3E = =3E pekka s =3E = =3E = =3E = =3E Adam Hupe wrote=3A =3E = =3E =3EDear List Members=2C =3E =3E =3E =3EWe had a pretty strange thing happen in our shop today=2E We = =3E purchased some =3E =3Eso-called =22magic cleaning potion=22 at the Denver show from a hi= ppie = =3E that had =3E =3Ebeautiful mineral specimens for sale=2E He told us the stuff work= s = =3E great for =3E =3Eremoving calcite from minerals=2E We asked about meteorites and h= e = =3E said it =3E =3Ewould be safe because it is natural=2C does not pollute and is a =22= green =3E =3Eproduct=22=2E=2E=2E = =3E =3E =3E = =3E -- = =3E = =3E = =3E = =3E = =3E Pekka Savolainen =3E Jokiharjuntie 4 =3E FIN-71330 Rasala =3E FINLAND =3E = =3E + 358 400 818 912 =3E = =3E Group Home Page=3A http=3A//www=2Esmartgroups=2Ecom/groups/eurocoin =3E Group Email Address=3A eurocoin=40smartgroups=2Ecom =3E = =3E = =3E = =3E = =3E =5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F= =5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F=5F =3E Meteorite-list mailing list =3E Meteorite-list=40meteoritecentral=2Ecom =3E http=3A//www=2Epairlist=2Enet/mail man/listinfo/meteorite-list =3E Received on Sat 08 Nov 2003 11:01:43 AM PST |
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