[meteorite-list] R5 - Its alive

From: dean bessey <deanbessey_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:25:42 2004
Message-ID: <20030521023740.96343.qmail_at_web12305.mail.yahoo.com>

That R5 that farmer is selling is not NWA1585. And it
is not paired with NWA1585 either. Here is a photo of
the real NWA1585:
Compare this photo the the ones on farmers website and
you can easily see that they are not the same rock
even from a photo.
NWA1585 is a single oriented 26.5 gram stone. And I
havent seen anything paired with it but I wouldent be
surprised if more turned up as the nomads all know
where the strewnfields are at and the nomads have some
pretty iffy sales practices to say the least.
However, there is another R5 that has been floating
around morocco since at least the last tucson show. I
know the one that farmer is refering to and it has
been mostly bought up but farmer is on his way to
morocco again now and I suspect that he will be
offered more of that R5 next week as it has been
sporadically available for a few months now but there
dont seem to be much around and the locals all want
way to much for it for me to buy any.
But while what farmer has is probably an R5 it
shouldent be sold as NWA1585 because it is not
NWA1585. And considering that it dont even look
remotely close to NWA1585 it is pretty unlikely to be
paired with NWA1585 either.

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