[meteorite-list] Comet Could Brighten Night Skies Next Spring
From: Ron Baalke <baalke_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:25:40 2004 Message-ID: <200305161654.JAA09029_at_zagami.jpl.nasa.gov> http://space.com/spacewatch/comet_NEAT_2004_030516.html Comet Could Brighten Night Skies Next Spring By Joe Rao SPACE.com 16 May 2003 Mark your calendars for this time next year, when a rare, bright naked-eye comet might grace the spring evening sky. Then again, maybe not. Back on Aug. 28, 2001, the International Astronomical Union (IAU) announced the discovery of a new comet spotted by Near Earth Asteroid Tracking team at Palomar Observatory in southern California. Like several other comets, this one has come to be called NEAT, the acronym for the discovery program. The comet should not be confused with another that recently looped around the Sun and that also bore a NEAT moniker. That comet NEAT was designated C/2002 V1. The comet NEAT anticipated for next year has been designated as C/2001 Q4. The potential The potential for a bright comet show for the spring of 2004 is based on an improved orbit that places the new comet NEAT's closest point to the Sun, or perihelion, at a distance of 89.4 million miles (143.9 million kilometers) on May 15, 2004. The comet was nearly a billion miles (1.6 billion kilometers) from the Sun when it was discovered. At that time it was shining at magnitude 20, or more than 398,000 times dimmer than the faintest star visible to the unaided eye. Most comets would be completely invisible at such a tremendous distance, even to the telescope that found it, so the implication is that Comet NEAT C/2001 Q4 may be an unusually large and active object. The comet has brightened noticeably since its discovery, but is still very faint -- only about magnitude 14, still some 1,600 times fainter than the threshold of naked-eye visibility. It is located within the faint constellation of Fornax, the Furnace. It cannot be observed at the present time, since this part of the sky is only above the horizon during the daytime. Sizzle of fizzle? Most new comets are notoriously unpredictable, and there is no guarantee that comet NEAT won't fizzle. The big question is whether this activity is the sign of a truly great comet or just a temporary flare-up of an ordinary one. A "new" comet in a parabolic orbit - that is, a comet that has never passed near the Sun before - may be covered with very volatile material, such as frozen carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and carbon monoxide. These ices tend to vaporize far from the Sun, giving a distant comet a surge in brightness that can raise unrealistic expectations. Several such flops appeared last century. If you are at least 35 years old, you might remember the big build-up - and subsequent letdown - for comet Kohoutek during the Christmas season of 1973. Kohoutek was discovered more than nine months before it was due to sweep around the Sun. At the time of its discovery in March 1973 it appeared unusually bright for a comet so far out from the Sun (more than half a billion miles). Some touted it as potentially the "Comet of the Century." Most astronomers hoped that if it was so bright and unusual at its discovery, that it would keep on being bright and unusual as it neared the Sun. But it merely remained unusual rather than getting very bright. In fact, except at the time of its perihelion, when astronauts on board the Skylab Space Station caught a glimpse of it shining brilliantly next to the Sun, to earthbound observers Kohoutek hardly appeared very bright at all. Many who looked skyward - often through light polluted city skies - could barely perceive the object without binoculars or telescopes. Comet Cunningham in 1940-41 and Comet Austin in 1990 proved similarly disappointing. Not-so-NEAT calculations On the other hand, a comet that is in an elliptical orbit and returning to the Sun from the distant past has probably shed its highly volatile materials, so what we would be seeing is the true underlying level of its activity. Comet Hale-Bopp, which brightened the night sky during the late winter and spring of 1997, fell into this class. Unfortunately, as of this writing, calculations by orbital experts suggests that Comet NEAT may be traveling in a parabolic orbit, hinting that it may indeed be a new comet, like Kohoutek. This however, doesn't automatically mean that Comet NEAT will fizzle-out, since not all-new comets become duds. Comet Arend-Roland is an outstanding exception, a first-timer that put on a spectacular show in April 1957. If it indeed stays on its current prescribed path, Comet NEAT will pass closest to the Earth on May 7, 2004 at a distance of just under 30 million miles (48.3 million kilometers). It will appear to rise out of the evening twilight during the first week of May 2004 and move northward from Canis Major, through Cancer by midmonth and on into Ursa Major by month's end. And another thing? If the prospects for one bright comet doesn't excite you, how about two? On Oct. 29, 2002, The IAU announced the discovery by the LINEAR survey of a comet that may also become a bright naked-eye object in May 2004. Designated C/2002 T7 (LINEAR), the comet is currently shining at around 15th magnitude. The latest orbit suggests that it will come closest to the Sun on April 23, 2004 at a distance of about 57 million miles (91 million kilometers). Comet LINEAR, however, appears to be on projected May 2004 track that would take it eastward through the constellations of Pisces, Cetus, Eridanus, Lepus and Canis Major. This would be too low in the sky and too close to the Sun, except perhaps for those at far-southerly latitudes such as Australia, South Africa. Should either comet evolve into a bright first-magnitude object as some forecasts suggest, either or both could end up becoming striking sights one year from now, with NEAT adorning our evening sky soon after sunset and LINEAR appearing first in the morning and then later in the evening. But if either or both turns out to be duds, they will appear as nothing more than fuzz-balls in small telescopes. We'll just have to wait and see. One thing is for sure: the countdown is on! Received on Fri 16 May 2003 12:54:51 PM PDT |
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