[meteorite-list] Ms. Polacco / Meteorite

From: MARK BOSTICK <thebigcollector_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:25:37 2004
Message-ID: <BAY4-DAV143EHaz8kI000000e63_at_hotmail.com>

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
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My name is Mark Bostick. I collect, trade and sell meteorites. (Sometim=
es I even unsuccessfully hunt them but that's another story). I have also=
 been known to write a meteorite article here and there. As you may or m=
ay not know, the rock you claim to be a meteorite is likely not. I say t=
his not in offense, but rather to offer you a real meteorite. Therefore =
when you do your presentations you can hand around a real meteorite and t=
he kids will really be holding a real piece from outer space. I believe =
you are doing a positive thing and that you mean no harm. However, it se=
ems very unlikely that your stone is a meteorite. Honestly, the facts ju=
st don't add up. Please send me an e-mail saying you will hand a meteori=
te I GIVE you around instead of the piece of granite you are now passing =
around and not sell it, and I will send you a real meteorite, that has be=
en tested and has been acknowledged for being a real meteorite. I see no=
 reason for you to change your stories or the like. I would just like to=
 see you passing a real meteorite around. Please do not take this in off=
ense as I am only trying to be helpful towards you. If think I am pullin=
g your leg and you would like to get your "meteor" tested, then I can hel=
p point you in the right direction there as well.

Thanks for your time, Mark Bostick

Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1"
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<HTML><BODY STYLE=3D"font:10pt verdana; border:none;"><DIV>Hello,</DIV> <=
DIV>&nbsp;</DIV> <DIV>My name is Mark Bostick.&nbsp; I collect, trade and=
 sell meteorites.&nbsp; (Sometimes I even unsuccessfully hunt them but th=
at's another story). I have also been known to write a meteorite article =
here and there.&nbsp; As you may or may not know, the rock you claim to b=
e a meteorite is likely not.&nbsp; I say this not in offense, but rather =
to offer you a real meteorite.&nbsp; Therefore when you do your presentat=
ions you can hand around a real meteorite and the kids will really be hol=
ding a real piece from outer space.&nbsp; I believe you are doing a posit=
ive thing and that you mean no harm.&nbsp; However, it seems very unlikel=
y that your stone is a meteorite.&nbsp; Honestly, the facts just don't ad=
d up.&nbsp; Please send me an e-mail saying you will hand a meteorite I G=
IVE you around instead of the piece of granite you are now passing around=
 and not sell it, and I will send you a real meteorite, that has been tes=
ted and has been acknowledged for being a real meteorite.&nbsp; I see no =
reason for you to change your stories or the like.&nbsp; I would just lik=
e to see you passing a real meteorite around.&nbsp; Please do not take th=
is in offense as I am only trying to be helpful towards you.&nbsp; If thi=
nk I am pulling your leg and you would like to get your "meteor" tested, =
then I can help point you in the right direction there as well.</DIV> <DI=
V>&nbsp;</DIV> <DIV>Thanks for your time,&nbsp; Mark Bostick<BR></DIV></B=

Received on Fri 09 May 2003 02:56:16 AM PDT

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