[meteorite-list] Southwest Impact Study photos

From: Steve Schoner <steve_schoner_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:25:35 2004
Message-ID: <20030505210451.68123.qmail_at_web12704.mail.yahoo.com>

--- Mark Jackson <b0rtz2003_at_yahoo.com> wrote:
> Your unsubstantiated skepticism without proof of
> alternate hypothesis is unrecognized and
> counterproductive to science. The evidence of the
> photos is before you. You must explain its existence
> contrary to my assertions, based on your
> observations, before you may assert skepticism. If
> you want samples to test yourself in that endeavor
> I'll be happy to provide them to you. Otherwise your
> skepticism is unrecognized foolery. No scientist
> will ever trash a published theory without offering
> his/her own counter theories. That's how science
> advances.


And if you don't know it, I am telling you now.


I have politely told you this before, but you will not
see the validity of it.

My "opinion" of your pictures do not count. It
is hands on EXPERTS in the field with the credentials
to substantiate what they say that counts.

We are not talking about "theory" here, we are talking
about gathering specific evidence of an impact, with
corresponding meteorites. And to the properly trained
EXPERT that evidence would be clearly obvious. But I
don't think that you have the experience to make such
claims as you currently are making.

Your posts on this subject are as noise. And that is
the way the subject will be treated unless you have
EXPERT opinion.

So, do us a favore and yourself... Get EXPERT opinions
from legitimate astrogeologists before you announce to
the world that you have made such a remarkable
discovery, and then perhaps sell your meteorwrongs as
meteorites on ebay.


As I told you before, I tell you again. You can find
them at:


Steve Schoner

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Received on Mon 05 May 2003 05:04:51 PM PDT

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