[meteorite-list] Main Mass Status

From: Pekka Savolainen <pekka.savolainen_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:25:34 2004
Message-ID: <3EB2D5CC.4000703_at_dlc.fi>

Well, no doubt, Hoba is quite sure a main mass...;- Anyway, the mass of
the item reaching the
atmosphere canīt be exactly calculated, neather the mass, which reach
the ground in
all cases. Some of the calculated mass of Canyon Diablo is still
missing, H.H. Niningerīs theory
was the meteorite spheres, vaporides metal, which rained down on the
large area. Some
still think, the missing mass is somewhere in the crater. So there is a
difference between
the mass and the main mass...
As I underrestand the main mass, itīs the largest whole piece
recovered, but no one can
say, if there is a larger piece missing in many cases. If the main mass
is cutted, this has no
matter, itīs just a term to print in cataloques. The most important
meaning for the main
mass is for the owner of it, and in this case a gram or two can mean
something, at least
in pricing of the item...;-
Once, when the main mass is reported and accepted, thatīs it. If a
larger piece was founded
later, there is no mean to change the original description.
This is just my opinion,but seems, it may be wise to have a clear
regulation for the main
mass, but who will do the work, NC or the Society ?


Tom aka James Knudson wrote:

>That's what I was trying to say. : ) I bet the hoba is a main mass.
>Thanks, Tom
>The proudest member of the IMCA 6168
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Dave Schultz <indy1996_at_yahoo.com>
>To: Michael L Blood <mlblood_at_cox.net>; <MeteorHntr@aol.com>;
>Sent: Friday, May 02, 2003 12:54 PM
>Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Main Mass Status
>> Greetings. After reading all of these posts from
>>people that have way more knowledge about meteorites
>>than I do, but; it seems to me that the real main mass
>>would be the original mass of the meteor before it
>>entered the atmosphere and all of the remaining masses
>>that are recovered are really just fragments of the
>>original main mass. So looking at it from this
>>perspective, there are no true main masses here on
>>Earth. So, as a few people have stated, the largest
>>mass that is left over would actually be the largest
>>mass known, (intact) and not truely a main mass. Any
>>thoughts on this, or is my perspective unfounded
>>considering it is not a true meteorite till it lands
>>on the Earth?
>> Dave
>>Do you Yahoo!?
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Pekka Savolainen
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Received on Fri 02 May 2003 04:32:12 PM PDT

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