[meteorite-list] Bolide in Illinois, etc.

From: Robert Verish <bolidechaser_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:23:55 2004
Message-ID: <20030331044111.70440.qmail_at_web80404.mail.yahoo.com>

---------- Forward Message ----------

Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2003 21:38:28 -0600
From: Ed Cannon <ecannon_at_mail.utexas.edu>
Subject: (meteorobs) Bolide in Illinois, etc.

These two stories have links to a slideshow which
includes a couple of good shots of the roof damage:


At least one of the stories I've read mentions people
hearing a "thunderous explosion". There's a good pair
of photos that show before and during the
bright-as-day flash.

To Chuck: When this/these hit, they most likely were
going the terminal velocity of an object of their size
and density in the atmosphere at the altitude of the
town. So that would be why the magnitude of the
impacts seems small.

It would not be very likely that they would reach the
surface still going at meteor-type hypervelocity.

Ed Cannon - ecannon _at_ mail.utexas.edu - Austin, Texas,

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Received on Sun 30 Mar 2003 11:41:11 PM PST

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