[meteorite-list] RE: Measuring Density
From: Herd, Richard <herd_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:23:51 2004 Message-ID: <3E3C279AF3F9D411BAA00002A529150E501AC5_at_s0-ott-x10.nrn.nrcan.gc.ca> Dear List: My colleagues and I have a (so far expensive) means of determining the density of any object without immersing it in anything. In a poster presented at last week's 34th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference in Houston, we reported that the first recovered piece of the St-Robert meteorite has a volume of .69 L. It's mass is 2290 grams, yielding a = density of about 3.3 gm/cc. The volume was calculated by combining Point Cloud = data from a laser camera to make a closed wireframe model: essentially = scanning all surfaces of the object and combining the results to define the = volume in 3D space occupied by the object. See the (Herd et al.) abstract at: ftp://www.lpi.usra.edu/pub/outgoing/lpsc2003/full69.pdf The .69 L result was not in the abstract but it was in the final poster = text and I spoke with Guy Consolmagno and others to point out to them what = we had managed. Ideally you do not want to immerse meteorites in anything, especially = water. They have a porosity often derived from their stressful entry through = the atmosphere. They are full of fine cracks from this and may also have primary porosity. RKH ------------------------------------------------------------------------= Dr. Richard K. Herd, Curator / Conservateur, National Collections / Collections nationales, Geological Survey of Canada / Commission g=E9ologique du Canada, Natural Resources Canada / Ressources naturelles Canada, 601 Booth Street / 601, rue Booth Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E8 / Ottawa (Ontario) K1A 0E8 Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada Tel / T=E9l: (613) 992-4042; 998-0381 Res / R=E9s: (613) 526-5050 Fax / T=E9l=E9copieur: (613) 954-0481; 943-1286=20 herd_at_NRCan.gc.ca / herd@RNCan.gc.ca Received on Wed 26 Mar 2003 07:42:09 PM PST |
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