[meteorite-list] OT... poem . dedicated Dave Harris

From: Rosemary Hackney <ltcrose_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:23:49 2004
Message-ID: <000701c2f024$e0205760$7370d6d1_at_default>

Meteor Showers

Dave Harris

I saw the stars fall from the sky.

Perseid meteors falling in showers

Of flashes of green and yellow lights.

As if Perseus' giant hand was strewing flowers

Through the universe like rose petals at a wedding.

The galactic show diminished any fireworks display

That any mortal mind could envision or achieve.

Only a Master's hand could orchestrate such a play.

And in that brief period of streaking light

Racing across the night for its life

My thoughts turn to mankind's plight.

Life is a vapor; then the soul takes flight,

Streaking across the great unknown;

Burning brightly, then is gone.

Rosemary Tipton Hackney 2001
Received on Fri 21 Mar 2003 10:41:06 PM PST

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