[meteorite-list] the illinois meteorite bash, a week later.
From: Steve Arnold, Chicago!!! <steve_arnol60120_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:23:48 2004 Message-ID: <20030315141522.24826.qmail_at_web14901.mail.yahoo.com> Good morning all. I thought I would put in my 2 cents worth, since I orginized it.I had a great time. For me it started on saturday.I met rob and his lovely wife, and went to see the opening of where they will house the dupont meteorite collection.They had refreshments, pamphelts, brochures, etc. concerning the opening and history of the PSF.I also got to meet walter cunningham.One of the apollo astronaunts. It was a very nice afternoon.Than on sunday evening I went over to algonquin to get the festivities going.Rob, his wife, paul siperia, and greg wilson came down from rob's room after doing some under the table deals:)We sat down talked a while, took some pictures and had a good time.Then we walked in the 3 degree weather over to the pub,(that is for rob)where we got down to business.I bought a few rounds, rob bought us dinner, and we just sorta BS the whole evening away.I as the big winner of the evening as far as trading and selling meteorites.I got a 315 gram slice of odessa from steve witt.I gave up some good items also. Like greg said, it was kind of like a trade between the dodgers and the yankees.It was big.Rob bought some of my rare meteorites that I brought.Thanks rob.But for me the hightlight of the evening was getting my .560 gram slice of honolulu.It almost looks like martain material, but it highly magnetic, unlike mars meteorites.Well from there we got LAST CALL at 11:30, so then we walked in the 0 degree weather and did some BS, ing , got some coffee, did a couple of more trades. Then it was 1 o'clock in the morning and time for me to leave.(Hey did I not hear that once in KUNG FU).Well fun was had by all. I am looking forward to doing this again real soon.Rob will be coming back to chicago sometime this summer.This time we want to do a saturday night get together.We want as many people from where ever you live, to come up.I guarentee, a better time will had by all.Because like the good book says, it is all about the people.And it is what makes the world go round. PEOPLE!!I took about 11 pics, hope to have them posted soon.Have a great day. This is my 2 centes worth. steve arnold, IMCA #6728 chicago, ill, USA ===== Steve R.Arnold, Chicago, IL, 60120 I. M. C. A. MEMBER #6728 Illinois Meteorites Website url http://stormbringer60120.tripod.com __________________________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Web Hosting - establish your business online http://webhosting.yahoo.com Received on Sat 15 Mar 2003 09:15:22 AM PST |
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