[meteorite-list] NP Article, 08-1882 Meteorite Fall into Muskegon Lake

From: MARK BOSTICK <thebigcollector_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:23:44 2004
Message-ID: <OE55otjCjWEF0HG0anl000019bb_at_hotmail.com>

Paper: Fort Wayne Daily Gazette
City: Fort Wayne, Indiana
Date: Thursday, August 03, 1882
Page: 3

Fall of a Meteor at Red-Heat Upon the Bosom of Muskegon Lake

     Vessels arriving in Chicago yesterday report a most remarkable
occurrence at Muskegon on Friday night. At midnight there was an awful
shock heard throughout the whole city, accompanied by a bright, sulphuric
light, which illuminated the entire surroundings. Crews of craft in the
harbor sprang from their bunks and citizens, terribly alarmed, rushed to the
windows. Many supposed that a severe thunderstorm had burst upon them;
others thought that the greal boilders of some of the numerous immense
milles had exploded, and not a few attributed the deafening report to the
first crash of "the wreck of matter and crush of worlds." When the people
ventured out shortly afterward, however, they beheld one of the most calm
and beautiful moonlight nights ever witnessed. The only explaination of the
mystery is that a great aerolite fell into Muskegon Lake.
     The following is from the Muskegon Chronicle, received in Chicago last
night: "The great mystery is solved by the statement of persons employed in
and about the mills in the lower part of the city. They say that a large
ball of fire fellfrom Mushegon Lake seemingly striking its surface three or
four hundred feet from the shore. James Fisk felt the shock perceptibly and
Mr. Archibald Lee was 'shaken up' by it; both of these parties were on the
Western avenue at the time. Messrs. Frank Johnson, Levi Reardsley, Charles
C. Moulton and Fred Miller, all of whom lodge on Western avenue, state that
the buildings in which they have rooms were shaken by the explosion. Mr.
Hugh Leonard, the druggist of 'lower town,' who had just retired to his room
on Western avenue, states as follows: 'I saw the glare, and it seemed as
though the entire light was concentraded in my room. At first it appeared
as though my window curtains were wrapt in flames.' Where the aerolite
struck there was a great commotion, 'as though a ton of solid substance had
fallen into it from a great heigh.' It is currently believed that a great
meteoric stone fell, and it may be well for steamers and sailing vessels to
be guarded for the present whilepassing the point where the stone is
supposed to have struck."
Received on Mon 03 Mar 2003 11:26:18 PM PST

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