[meteorite-list] "corkscrewing" meteorites

From: Steve Schoner <steve_schoner_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:22:39 2004
Message-ID: <20030616230456.37348.qmail_at_web12705.mail.yahoo.com>

At first, as the meteoroid is entering the atmosphere
at high altitude and hypersonic velocity, I imagine
that there would not be much deflection in its flight
no matter what the shape.

But as it penetrates to greater deph and its speed is
reduced, then aerodynamic forces must have a greater
influence. If the object is spinning this could
deflect is trajectory in some way. But if the object
breaks as most meteoroids do, then it is possible that
some of the fragments will have odd shapes, like flat
slabs. What will these do in the atmosphere?

I know that with regards to Pasamonte, there were
reports of the fireball having a corkscrew appearance,
and I think that there are other reported sightings of
the same.

Steve Schoner/ams

--- wrecks463 <wrecks463_at_cox.net> wrote:
> Hello People,
> Just a thought here, but in my younger days I was
> pretty handy with a
> slingshot and my usual ammunition was mainly rocks.
> The rounder they were
> the straighter they flew. Usually they would slice
> left,right ,up or down
> but on occasion one would corkscrew. If I remember
> right it was the oblong
> ones that were most likely to do it. Maybe someone
> ought to do a test.
> Unfortunately, my slingshot was traded in for
> something that shoots much
> straighter and I don't have it anymore.
> Rex
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