[meteorite-list] Seems PF fell on 3/27 and NOT on 3/26...

From: Sterling K. Webb <kelly_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:22:38 2004
Message-ID: <3EEA9F5F.93EDD78B_at_bhil.com>


    If we're talking about Illinois and the Chicago area here,
the elevation of Lake Michigan at Chicago is 597 feet. In
general, the lay of the land throughout the state is to gently
decline to the south. Illinois is essentially flat. The elevation
of the Mississippi at St. Louis is 440 feet and so on. The
highest elevation in Illinois is in the far-off northwestern
tippy-tip at 1235 feet, but that is a Wisconsin hill whose crest
is a few thousand feet over into Illinois.

Sterling K. Webb

Michael Farmer wrote:

> there is no possibility that the fireball extuinguished at that
> low level. It was bright enough to iluminate through the thin
> cloud layer. Many parts of the country are higher than 7000
> feet. If that were the case, then many meteorites would indeed
> set grandpa's haybales on fire!
> Mike Farmer
Received on Sat 14 Jun 2003 12:06:55 AM PDT

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