[meteorite-list] PK FALL

From: Steve Arnold, Chicago!!! <steve_arnol60120_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:22:35 2004
Message-ID: <20030607120223.91329.qmail_at_web14913.mail.yahoo.com>

You know it is kind of funny,I happen to know the steger area well, and it
is hard to believe that story as well.The difference between the 2 towns
are incredible.In all the times I have been in steger ( before the fall
),I never would ever consider that anything of that nature would happen in
that town.I think the guy is spoffen you.Just my thoughts from someone who
lives very close to the sitsuation.

                                     steve arnold (from chicago)

Steve R.Arnold, Chicago, IL, 60120
I. M. C. A. MEMBER #6728
Illinois Meteorites
website url http://stormbringer60120.tripod.com

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