[meteorite-list] another ebay giggle

From: Pekka Savolainen <pekka.savolainen_at_meteoritecentral.com>
Date: Thu Apr 22 10:21:09 2004
Message-ID: <3F24825C.9000505_at_dlc.fi>

Hello, Al and the list,

this is the first time, I have seen this kind of story about a meteorite.
In gems these are much more common. The best known case is the
Hope diamond, and also this story can be told in many ways...;-

The first link is for the people with more imagination, the second for
the more sceptic ones...;-



Hope has been in Smitshonian since 1962 and I havenīt heard about
bigger catastrophes happened in the institute...;-

take care,


almitt wrote:

>Hi Steve,
>I think there is a certain type of people who like to buy something to just prove it
>can't happen to them or fascination of such objects that are cursed. I can't for the
>life of me think why a meteorite would be cursed even if it did fall on a horse or
>some other animal. The New Concord Meteorite is also alleged to have hit a horse with
>no ill consequences that I know of yet.
>I also think there are people who buy this material so they can contain it. There have
>been several people on the radio recently with similar stories and I can't help
>believe that it is some sort of gimmick to get people to buy these items. In the radio
>show they were selling also. Why not give it away? The guy said he had to sell it so
>the ownership would be transferred. He was selling for more than a dollar though :-)
>Meteorite-list mailing list

Pekka Savolainen
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+ 358 400 818 912
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